Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Should I buy inFamous for the PS3?

May be...
  • I downloaded the demo and was playing some of the missions and this game to me was pretty bad ***. However, demos can only give you a little feel for what the actual game is really like. So for all of you guys out there who have already bought it, does it have a solid storyline? Length? Worth the money? Thanks.
  • I actually have the game, and must say it's amazing. The only problems I have had thus far are the weird glitches, like falling thru the ground.

    Storyline: Better than average... 8/10

    Worth The Money?: Totally

    Length: I have onluy played 2 or so hours, but I think it has over 40 hours of play
  • Oh ho ho buddy, trust me! I have read the reviews (one listed below) and it is turning up as one of PS3's must buys. I played the demo too, and the review says it cannot even justify how much fun you can have with the full game. Buy it. You know you want to! :)
  • i will get it, it looks like a great game, but why buy it??? i got 3 ps3 games and ipod touch for free here: http://bit.ly/DpQZN you have enough for inFamous in less than a week...
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