Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Should i buy a playstation 3?

May be...
  • I have a 360 and a ps2 i saw that gamestop is doing an offer where trade in ps2 and 3 games to get 100$ towards a new ps3 now i hear that ps3's really kick *** and have blu ray and free online but i already have a 360 i dont know should i get one or save the trouble
  • First of all, the PS3 that you would get from GameStop in that deal will NOT play PS2 games, since it will be the new version of the 80GB PS3.

    I think you should get a PS3, but definitely keep your PS2. A PS2 + 3 games is worth about 80$. That means you are giving away an amazing console that has over 1800 games (no other console has more than that), just to save about 20$ on your PS3. Totally not worth it.
  • Well i'll tell you this. If your getting a Playstation 3 trade in ALL your games. Or trade in the 3 games and then sell the others else where. Keep any ps1 games. Ps3 can not play ps2 games only ps1 and ps3 now..Or unless you have a spare Playstation 2 then Keep your games.

    I would trade in my ps2 though.

    I play my friends ps3 and it's really fun. The online play is free but many say it's not as good as xbox live but it's free and has some of the features Xbox Live has. It also gets updates. The last one i think gave you in Game chat.

    Blueray is also good. If you get a ps3 you won't need a blueray player. Best one out there.

    If you have a wireless router, the playstation 3 has that built in.

    You can also help people if you got a PlayStation 3. Many people might ask what should I buy a ps3 or xbox 360? and you could help by giving your decision.

    Playstation 3 also do not break as much as the xbox 360 does. So in case yours wears out, you could always play your PlayStation 3!
  • I own a PS3 and its great. I also have a xbox 360 but i mostly play my PS3. you should most definitely get one. The games coming out are blowing me away. The Ps3 is catching up in the gaming industry! If your a fan of Final fantasy then yeah you should get one. The graphics in my opinion are a lot better then the xbox.

    Look at this game

  • i have had a 360, but most of my friends had a PS3 so i sold my 360 and bought a PS3.

    PS3's are so much better than 360's easier to use, better online, better exclusive games.

    i would get that PS3 and also sell your 360 as when you get a PS3 you won't be playing it at all.
  • I think you should get one, but I hear that the Gamestop deal is pretty lame. The games have to have some good value for one thing. Second, the PS2 must include everything and be in terrific working order.
  • i would sell your ps2 and xbox and then buy the ps3

    yeah ps3 owns and the online is free so you dont have to pay another 50$ or something lioke that on online.

    it also offers blu ray and blu ray is the best out today so yeah what more do you want?
  • Yes get it, it's totally worth it.

    PS3 FTW

    Well the current PS3 model Gamestop is offering does not play PS2 games. That's the catch for the trade in.
  • buy a ps3 because it can play blu ray,dvd,you can store music,videos and pictures.you can get free internet acsess,you can play online for free and it has many great games for the ps3
  • yes you should


    -uncharted 2


    -god of war 3

    -blu ray

    -free online

    and the 20,60, and early 80gigs can play ps2

    or any ps3 that has 4 usb ports 10 points plz
  • YES













  • yes
  • sell your 360 to. i sold mine and got he ps3 because i never used my 360 afterwards
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