Saturday, May 2, 2009

Should i get resistance 2 for the PS3?

May be...
  • I can get it for £20 pre owned which is a bargain.

    I love games that have good single player like kill zone and cod4 i also have online but im not sure if resistance would be good for me is it like kill zone because i love that game

    also are the trophys good to get and how hard is resistance 2 to complete ?
  • you will like it its a bargain so yes buy it and trophys are pretty easy and superhuman difficulty is the only thing thats really hard but in order to get the trophy for beating the game on it you just have to beat the last level on it but its really good one of the top 3 for ps3 first person shooting games
  • i ave resistance 2 and it is really bad nothing like the first one and it is not even 2player together
  • Its not really hard to complete it and YES GET IT YOULL LOVE IT. Plus yea there is trophy support on r2(resistance 2)
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