Saturday, May 30, 2009

Should i switch to ps3?

May be...
  • i have always been a nintendo fan since i was little...i have the wii but i was wondering buying a ps3 during the summer....should i switch to the ps3 or buy something else...i want to know if sony is worth spending $450 on? thanks to anyone who awnswers
  • Wow......this is weird. (not in a bad way)

    I was in the same EXACT situation as you a year ago I had always been a Nintendo fan. I started to get bored of the Wii and was considering buying an Xbox or PS3. It didn't take long for me to decide that PS3 was better and that it would be awesome to have, I bought mine for 400$ and I think it was worth every penny. Not only does it have great games it has a better internet browser than Wii. The Playstation Store has tons of stuff, not just classic games.

    I really think it's worth the 400$ Sony has always made good and reliable products. PS3 is no exception.
  • I personally enjoy the PS3, but then again I've ben a sony guy. The Xbox has the advantage of having more games out. The playstation has free internet access if your near a wifi and free online play. It's also sort of a computer in a video game system. The Playstation 3 doesn't have too many games out yet, but it does have several great titles. There is also a blu-ray player in it, as compared to the dead techology for the Xbox that's the high def dvd's. If your looking for a multiplatform system so to speak then the PS3 is a nice device, but if your just going to be playing video games until your eyes bled go with an Xbox 360, and purchase the gold membership for some online fun.
  • um I say you should because if you do you'll be able to get on the internet, play with other ps3 owners, watch BLU-RAY dvd's and buy stuff off of the playstation store. I say yes because of the games. they look alot better than any other console and the exclusive ps3 games are the best exp: inFAMOUS is awesome
  • you're memories with nintendo will last forever because nintendo is awesome. If you were thinking of getting a ps3 i would tell you to get xbox 360 instead. It has really cool exclusives games with it. Gears of War, Halo, etc. Plus it is cheaper.
  • Going to a PS3 from a nintendo or a wii will blow your mind. The PS3 is capable of so much more and it's definitely worth the price. I'd actually consider it a bargin really considering the added blue ray capability.
  • I think you should just stay with wii if you only like classic games like mario, but if you like action/killing games you should buy a ps3 for sure.
  • PS3 is great to get,fun game,blu-ray player and free online.
  • In yahoo news a few weeks ago.

    It was reported that PS2 out sold PS3 in the last sales quarter.

    And that Sony might be cutting the price by $100 or better in the next few months.

    I would wait a little to see what happens.
  • A PS3 is a great investment. You get a bluray player, media center, internet browser, wireless adapter, dvd player, music player and high definition graphics all in one package. The PS3 is the most powerful console on the market today.
  • yes the ps3 is much better then the wii. i too have been a nintendo fan since i was little. but the wii has been the worst console from Nintendo. get the ps3
  • ps3 or xbox 360 either way you'll have more fun then having a nintendo...
  • I always like to have memory so i don't think you should by something new
  • Watch out. Switching to a ps3 from a wii will make u go mad!! u will think u went to heaven :)
  • I agree with green it'll blow your mind get a PS3 and you'll have both.
  • yes
  • It all comes down to what type of game you are.If your more of a casual gamer that just plays games once in a while and just wanna have fun with it stick with the wii.If your looking for quantity more than quality and want alot of great games you can play now plus a great online service go with the xbox 360.If your more of a hardcore gamer that enjoys rpgs,first person shooters,platformers and driving games and wouldnt mind having a hd movie player on the side go with the ps3.To be honest ps3 is totally worth the money and people just cant deny it now that ps3 has all the great exclusives like these

    Final Fantasy Versus XIII

    Gran Turismo 5

    Heavy Rain

    Killzone 2

    Formula One Championship Edition



    Katamari Forever

    Resistance: Fall of Man

    Resistance 2

    Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

    Uncharted 2

    Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction

    Little Big Planet

    Ratchet & Clank:Crack In Time

    Twisted Metal

    If I were you I would go with ps3.hope this helps
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