Saturday, May 30, 2009

Will The Next Metal Gear Game Be On 360?

May be...
  • p.s what other MGS game was on the xbox i know at least one was, so why not 360?

    ALSO why was 4 not on the 360?
  • No

    I think MGS3 was, but i don't know probably not


    One: Halo is to Xbox as Mario as to Nintendo and Snake is to Sony.

    Consoles gotta have mascots to support their own console. I think Sony doesn't have an official one since there are too many games that like resembles whatever...

    Second: It would take about 7 discs to fit all the Metal Gear Solid 4 cutscenes, gameplay, online, etc....

    Third: The creator (forgot his name) he wanted to create the best stealth action game ever, so by doing that he must do it on a powerful console. He chooses which platform to put the game on.
  • It wasn't on 360 because sony had an exclusivity agreement, which is basically saying they payed them to only make it for ps3. If the next one is on the 360 it will simply be because Sony didn't offer them enough money to offset what they would make selling the game as a multiplatform title. And the disc storage has nothing to do with it they are making FFXIII for the 360 using multiple discs, its just that the sales may not offset the cost of making a 2-5 disc games(which is obviously more expensive than a single disc game).
  • Metal Gear Solid 2 was on Xbox and PS2 but after all the trouble the Xbox hardware and Micrsoft people gave him me made MGS3 PS3 exclusive. MGS4 is PS3 exclusive because Xbox is not powerful enough to handle it and MGS5 very well could be on both or at least PC and PS3.
  • It probably won't. Metal Gear Solid 4 took up almost the whole blue ray disc ( 40GB!) and Dual Layer DVD's for the xbox 360 can hold only 10GB.

    That could explain why it wasn't on the 360.

    Also Sony signed a deal saying it should stay exclusively to the Playstation 3. It was a great move on Sony's part..
  • as far as i know only mgs2 was on xbox. The only way they are doing ffxiii is because they are making 2 complete versions from the ground up so none is being ported really. 4 wasnt because sony had the rights to exclusivity and kojima said in various interviews that mgs4 was "optimized" for ps3 not 360
  • Because Hidoji Kojima decides that stuff, and he has had NO PLANS whatsoever to release to X360. I think this is because if it was released to 360, it would require up to 4 discs, seeing as PS3 discs have multi-layered functionality (Blu-Ray)
  • well there is a new metal gear game confirmed for psp (could be mpo2, mga3 or something new), so no, the next metal gear game won't be on 360

    as for mgs5, who knows, it all depends on konami and hideo kojima really
  • i dont think there has been a MGS on xbox and it wont be on xbox because its an exclusive just like you wont see halo on PS3

    and for some reason MGS4 was really not that great on my opinion i actually liked MGS3 better
  • no because the xbox cd's used can not hold all the information needed in the game. the blue ray disks used by the ps3 can.
  • well why was gears of war not on ps3 for the same reason i guess they didn't want to put it on 360 or a deal for money happened
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