Saturday, May 23, 2009

So I've had my 80GB PS3 since February 2008 ! It won't read games or movies ! Help ?

May be...
  • Now Sony wants me to spend an additional $150 for repairs for issues with my console that are not my fault. I believe that the PS3 is falwed in design and Sony will not acknowledge that nor will they do the right thing and fix it free. I've spent well over $1200 between the console, games , peripherals and movies and I damn sure won't be spending another $150 for a faulty over priced clunky piece of junk from Sony !
  • Despite what people say, the Playstation line of gaming consoles have a design flaw and have had since the PS1 ! I've owned all versions of the Playstation consoles and I've had issues with every one of them including my $600 60GB PS3 !

    Nobody should have to replace their laser on a $600 plus console in a years time ! Sony should fix these things for free since it's their faulty workmanship and parts that is causing the issues with the failures. If they can't do that then they need to quit selling junk !
  • You might need to reformat your ps3 hd. i had the same problem and that is all it took. first, backup your information and game add-ons. then go to your system settings and format your hd. afterwards, everything will be alright. had the same problem last weekend and everything has been fine. same thing happened to a friends.

    hope you get everything fixed.
  • Your lasor is broken! It has burnt out..

    If you want to enjoy your PS3 again then I am sorry but you will have to send it to Sony.

    If you have warrenty, then don't worry its free!
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