Sunday, May 24, 2009

Is it me or is the ps3 game "MLB09 THE SHOW" harder then the ps2 version or am I just a bad player?

May be...
  • With the ps2 version of the game, MLB09 THE SHOW I have no problems winning games. But the ps3 version, although it has the best graphics of any game ever, I can't win games on a consistant basis. Is it me or is the game meant to be difficult on the ps3 version?
  • No it's not you ! MLB The Show '09 has a very steep learning curve and to get really good at it, you have to play it regularly ! It took me quite a while to recognize when to swing the bat so while it's a challenging game it's also fun because unlike some baseball games I've played, you actually have to have some skill to be successful !
  • it is hard. its took me probably 10 games just to be able to score more than 1 run. Im doing a season right now and Im 35-26, but I think its more and realistic if its harder. A lot of real baseball games have very few hits and runs, so its a good simulation of the real thing.
  • Ps3 are starting to make these sport games diffucult well the exclusives. Its challenging its not just you
  • When I had MLB 08 on PS2 i was playing on Hall of Fame mode and now I can barley squeez out a win on rookie on '09 for PS3.
  • It would be harder because of the better a.i. Of the player on the ps3, so theyll be smarter.
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