Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Why isn't my PS3 showing the internet signal strength?

May be...
  • I just started using the wired connection where you have to connect your PS3 with your router. When I just did that, the PS3 would show the signal strength but now all of a sudden it doesn't anymore. How am I supposed to know when the signal is weak or not now? Does it just stay 100%, 100% of the time when you're using the wired connection? Or is something wrong here?
  • If you are hooked up with a wire, it will always be 100%, you don't need a signal strength indicator to tell you that (that's why you don't see one). Only when you are hooked up through Wi-Fi (wireless) will it give you a signal strength, because it is a signal going through the air.

    If you go into an elevator with a cell phone, the signal gets worse. If you use a land-line (phone with a cord) in the elevator, there is no problem.

    The signal strength is only when you are wireless, it is always 100% when connected with a wire. The speed may be different, but that has nothing to do with the signal strength indicator.
  • probably from one of the recent updates, but it doesn't really matter as long as internet works. funny you get a signal strength on wired connection though... its always strong because its in a cable, but its never showed me on my wireless connection.

    anyway, stop being so paranoid
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