Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Can anyone help me make a choice on what game to get?

May be...
  • Should I get: Metal Gear Solid 4 or Resident Evil 5 ?

    I like MGS4 because you can customize your weapons, Re5 idk i have the demo and its weird but my friends want me to get it to play online with them. what should i do ? Re5 i herd you gotta win money for customizing your weapon and it seems like a boring game to play alone because the girl dies right away if your not checking on her...
  • I hear Resident Evil 5 is better, so I guess get it. I dont have either tho.
  • i would say go for mgs4 i do not have the game but from what i heard its rather good
  • I'd get MGS4 since I usually like those games better. But that's only from my experience.
  • mgs4 great story
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