Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Should I get Little Big Planet, Call of Duty 4 or Motorstorm: Pacific Rift?

May be...
  • Whats your opinion as to what game I should get?

    List pro's and con's if you can =)

    I live in Australia and they're all 50 dollars at the moment..

    So if you have any other sugestions which are similar price tell me!
  • I loved COD4. Personally I think the single player is great, but it is best if you can play online as well.

    Little Big Planet is loads of fun, but you really need to be online to make the most of that one. It's a lot more fun designing your own levels when you can let other people all over the world play them too, and playing other people's levels is really good:)

    Motorstorm Pacific Rift is one of my favourite driving games, it never gets boring, but some people have found it difficult to play online because it can be difficult to find a race to join, but the single player is long enough and good enough for it to be worth buying.

    All three of these games are extremely good, and they are totally different from each other, so if you can only buy one, I would choose the one which is your favourite type of game. FPS, Cute but innovative platformer or Racing:)
  • Well if you like actions games I'd get Call of duty 4. Its the best FPS right behind Halo.
  • get call of duty 4 its awesome nottin wrong with it theres still alot of ppl online..

    brothers in arms is also good. good story but not alot of ppl play online oh and end war sux big time
  • DONT GET END WAR!!! awful game, i would probably get Brothers In Arms, only because i dont really like COD.
  • COD 4! if you have online.. excellent online gameplay if not i would buy little big planet. Don't buy pacific rift it is s**t
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