Thursday, June 4, 2009

Cleaning a playstaion 2 and it's CD's?

May be...
  • im in a cleaning mood so i decided to clean my beloved ps2. i've never cleaned it before (its kind of dirty) so i want to know how. And is there anyway besides toothpaste to clean a CD?
  • Best way to clean a PS2 is use a can of air (can get n PC World, Maplin etc) to blow out dust from vents etc. Use furniture polish to clean the actual body of the PS2 (dont use household cleaners that contain bleach) and for CDs if they are only grubby you can wash them under a warm running tap with a drop of washing up liquid and wash them round with your fingers. Make sure you shake most of the water off then dry/buff with a lint free cloth (reading glasses cleaning cloth are best). I've washed my discs for years and never had a problem.
  • I use a little windex/ any other glass cleaner and whip it around with a paper towel. It actually works, and it doesn't ruin the game either. I don't know how to clean a PS2 besides whipping it. Good luck =].
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