Thursday, June 25, 2009

Do You Think Final Fantasy XIV Will Stay PS3/PC Exclusive?

May be...
  • i doubt it i kinda lost trust with them.

    i hope they dont betray them again like on 13.

    to be honest i could care less about 13 versus..
  • How could you not care about XIII Vs?! It's PS3 exclusive and seems more interesting with a dark plot. uhh... back on topic.

    First of all, there is no "exclusive" part about FFXIV, it's multiplatform. So I guess you mean 'will it go to 360?'. And the answer to that is probably no. Since Microsoft already has it on PC, they don't need it on 360.

    But ya know, anything can happen...
  • You didn't hear FF13 is coming out for the 360 too.
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