Friday, June 19, 2009

Have You Converted Any Of Your Friends To PS3?

May be...
  • i have converted 2, and another into a raging ps3 fanboy lol.

    one Xbot

    And one Wii User hehehehehe

    feed sony =D
  • Yep, one! Not really a conversion, just a reluctancy to upgrade from a PS2.
  • Well it isn't complete yet but one of my friends has a wii already and wants a next gen system and i keep telling him about the superior playstation 3 so he says he is gonna get it because of Playstation HOME and stuff but he has 125$ right now but he says he may have enough from working this summer so that will be one
  • I have 2 of my best friends selling their 360s. One has his packed up and ready to be sold, the other needs 150 more bucks.
  • God of War 3 and MLB the Show have convinced me.
  • Nah. To each his own.
  • Haha I'm trying to. I think it worked cause he really likes the game prototype so I told him it's only ps3 XD
  • I convinced a couple of my friends to get PS3 (or they dream about getting it). ;-)))
  • No, I'm still trying... :(
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