Friday, June 19, 2009

How Important Are Good Exclusives To This Generation Of Consoles?

May be...
  • Long Live God of War III!

    2/3 Of GOW3 Buyers DONT have a PS3 YET.
  • Exclusives are crucial for consoles. One good exclusive (such as GOW III, MGS 4 or LBP) pushes consoles sales higher.

    For example, my PC is relatively strong, so I don't buy multiplatform games for PS3 - waste of money, I can play those on my PC anyway (PC games are cheaper than PS3's). My PS3 is only for PS3 exclusives (I think, a lot of people will agree with me).
  • True Dat Exclusives make or break a console that is why the sega dreamcast failed playstation crushed it in exclusives and that is why ps3 is losing right now its main audience hasn't upgraded and until we upgrade we will not move further so it is important in the life cycle but also as much important as exlcusives are playstation 3 hasn't started to compete fully because Sony is still working with the playstation 2
  • Much more than any other gen I believe. Since systems are becoming much more expensive (especially the PS3) people are going to need a reason why they shouldn't just spend less on a Wii or 360
  • really important, games like god3 and mgs4 really help to boost the popularity of the system.
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