Tuesday, June 9, 2009

HDD for my Ps3 just need info ^.^?

May be...
  • ok i want to get a bigger memory for my baby lol i was thinking a 120gb or even an 80 gb would do. Now some of my buddies say to get a SATA with 5400 rpm and others are saying with 7200 rpm. But i heard that the 5400 is better but im not to sure i was just wondering what u guys think? So best HDD for my system and rpm? Thanks so much ^.^
  • 2.5" SATA hard drive not more that 5400rpm...its better less noise, and less heating. if you gonna buy a hard disk go for the 120GB cause the 80GB is not enough and there is not much difference in price.
  • 7200 RPM will work too, but Sony recommends 5400 RPM. I think it's because of heating reasons (more RPMs mean more heat). Besides, some people checked the speed difference between those two on PS3 - the difference was insignificant. I would recommend 5400RPM. As for the brand - Western Digital or Seagate.
  • best would be 5400 rpm fast quick and very smart
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