Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Is my PS3 damaged? Cause for concern?

May be...
  • I bought my 40GB PS3 Christmas 2007.. So its about 1.5 years old. It runs perfectly no crashes or glitches while playing games or watching movies.. However, what does slightly concern me is that with certain high-performance games such as Killzone 2 and Call of Duty 5, the fans inside the system start up really loudly.. My PS3 is well ventilated on top of a table away from any other equipment and plus I have a fan pointing at it.. I've cleaned it as much as I possibly can including cleaning the HDD (gently removing dust from the hard drive bay, no solutions used).. I've vacuumed the vents and I must admit, in the past I have done that auto clean fan test a handful of times.. I have my system in a horizontal position and my online works fine too..

    It is just this whining noise that unsettles me after playing COD for 20 minutes or so.. The thing is not all games make it do it and while I am on the XMB, it is always whisper quiet.

    Any tips of reassurrance? Advice?
  • your good to go man.The ps3 has a big fan in it and when playing those high performance games or watching blu-ray it is normal for the machine to get a bit hotter,and therefore the extra cooling is needed.As long as your not hearing strange noises or loud whining high pitched stuff then your system is doing what it it supposed to do
  • Nope that just means that the playstation 3 needs to cool down the system faster so its working harder. No worries
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