Friday, June 12, 2009

PS3 already did this? Camera Motion?

May be...
  • When they showed that demo on Natal, where the kid can move is arm in a fish tank it interacts with he water, why is it so New? Sony already did that with the PS3 Eye, its called Aquatopia, it uses the camera to track your movement to interact with the fish and water.

    Read the release date 2007!!!!


    so what the hell is the deal with natal.
  • It's just like saying that "hey, 360 has something that playstation has already."

    Microsoft tries to say that it's something new to people, but it's not cause Sony already made one. And fanboys are going to argue that 360 was the first to make the motion capture against the Sony fanboys..... and blah blah blah.....

    Microsoft tries to make Natal to be popular and steal audiences from the Wii to join the 360. And gets tricked because there won't be any good games for it. (Maybe, cause that's what happened with Sony's EyeToy)
  • Yeah and PS2 had Eye Toy that allowed some interaction. The Wii isn't even that advanced(remember the light guns on the ORIGINAL Nintendo?). They just package things as huge advances. Sometimes for THAT company it is an advance, and that is really all they are going for.
  • It's just for the 360. people might not have any of the playstation consoles and therefore no eye toy or aquatopia and may have a 360.
  • yeah but that kid reacts to your voice, and facial recognition, way advanced
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