Wednesday, June 17, 2009

PS3 Already Hit Its Potential?

May be...
  • okay firstly i am a sony fanboy, so dont bash me.

    but even i know the games really arnt getting much better.

    and here

    EA says they maxed out 360, but are working on PS3

    Crytech says they will max out the ps3 with Crysis 2, but its also on the 360


    they said that the ps3 has already met its limit, the Cell Spe are not as strong as a core, but i suppose if you have 8..

    well idk please hel;p thjanks
  • I don't think that the PS3 is maxed out or will when Crysis 2 will be released on the PS3! I remember that Resistance: Fall of Man used 20 % of the PS3's potential. I'm guessing that right now games reached about 40 to 60 % highest if even that. And if you look back at the PS2 God of War 2 nearly reached the PS2 limits after 7 years of PS2 release.

    I'd say games in 2011 to 2013 will reach PS3 limits.

    Remember Sony game consoles have a 10 year life cycle.
  • I agree with WombatWo:)

    Also, there's no way it'll max out for a long time, it still has a lot more to offer, and game developers have new tricks at their disposal all the time as well, games are just going to carry on getting better:)

    I love all the PS3 games I have and there are several coming in the next few months which I can't wait to play, I don't really care what their tech specs are, so long as they are as good as they have been lately:)
  • there's one really easy way to make sure. if the graphic quality of the ps3 is near identical to the 360, then no, it's not maxed out yet.
  • All this talk of "maxing out" is irrelevant. Just play the damn games.
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