Monday, June 8, 2009

PS3 to PC monitor via HDMI help?

May be...
  • So i have an HP 2159m lcd monitor with an HDMI input and when I connected my ps3 to it via the HDMI cable my monitor status said that the DVI was active, but that the HDMI was not. What am I doing wrong, luckily I knew where the turn off system icon is on my PS3 so I could turn it off blindly!
  • What was the ps3's video mode before? If it wasn't already outputting hdmi video, that would explain it.

    You need to shut the ps3 down, then turn it on by pressing the front power button. Keep holding the button until it beeps a second time. This will cause the ps3 to autodetect the display and if it detects the monitor, it will switch to HDMI, then your monitor will detect an HDMI signal.

    Also you don't have to find the off icon on the XMB to shut the ps3 down. All you have to do is press the power button in front and it will shut down in a few seconds.
  • cool that woorks Report Abuse
  • Since your monitor already has a HDMI input all you need to change is the source of the monitor. Look at the monitor menu near the 'on' button. You should see something called 'source'. If not, press 'menu' and work on from there.
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