Monday, June 8, 2009

What is the face of Sony?

May be...
  • The face of Nintendo is Mario and the face of Microsoft is Halo? What do you think is the face of us Sony fans?

    A star wouldn't be so bad
  • Sony's face has a triangular-shaped eye, and a square-shaped right ear, and a regular shaped left ear, and a funny smile combined with a handlebar goatee that go together to form an X shape.

    You could say maybe Solid Snake would be the face of Sony too, except that Solid Snake has been in one too many adventures, and seeing Old Snake should have been the last part of the story. There should be no more sequels.

    The truth is there is no face of Sony and that's good. Nintendo uses Mario because it has no substance to its games. There aren't any good titles that can stand on their own so they make endless new versions of Mario. Personally I hate Mario. Sequels in general are a cheap cop-out, and Mario is the absolute worst of them. Nintendo has no better ideas so every new game features Mario. It was the same with Sega who couldn't think of anything new so they just kept making Sonic this and Sonic that. Now some people actually want to see a game featuring Mario and Sonic both! That's disgusting.

    Halo was the face of Microsoft because the first one was the only online multiplayer shooter on consoles. Sony had Socom but its multiplayer sucks. Socom is mostly a single-player game and it's got no arena gameplay. On a Socom 1 server, you'd have your two teams and all they did was attack each other until one team was all dead. Sort of realistic, except that in real life the die-hards don't know exactly where the other team spawns so they can throw grenades and spawn-kill them within 5 seconds of the round starting. Halo was much better online, and that's why it became popular.

    Halo 2 and Halo 3 depended entirely on Halo 1's name recognition, they weren't special on their own. Halo is done as a franchise. It's been supplanted by Gears of War. But Microsoft and Bungie will keep making new Halos for the quick buck, because people will buy them, because it's Halo.

    Usually they don't stop making crap sequels until people stop buying them. That's what happened with Unreal Tournament. Before UT3 was released, people were all excited, "oooh it's gonna pwn, can't wait, omg" but then they actually saw it. Now they can't even give it away. What's that cheap pc-game download program, they had UT3 for free recently. And that new Cell Factor game, that's a UT3 mod. $10.

    That Sony doesn't have a dominant title is a sign that it has content. Unlike Nintendo which has only Mario and xbox which for a long time had only Halo.
  • Excellent question, and not one that is easily answerable - Sony has never had that 'defining character' on its systems, preferring instead to base their popularity on superior hardware.

    I guess you could say the guy from grand theft auto could be the star, since that was a PS2 exclusive for awhile...but they really don't have a cutsy character...

    BTW, you can also toss Sonic in there as the face of Sega, even if they are now only a software company.
  • I dunno about the US side but here in Japan it is Toro. He is a white cat that is trying to become human. Over here you can download a little news network program and Toro along with his partner Kuro will be announcers and give news about up coming games, foods, sports, movies, and any thing else. These are Sony characters and are very famous over here. Toro even has his own section in the morning news on TV for a few minuites.
  • Sony doesn't have it. In the beginning (PS1) they tried it (I don't remember the name of that creature, but it looked like a crystal man). Later they disposed of this idea. and Toro is Sony's character for all products, not only PS.
  • Sony does not go bandwagon-ning. It simply wants itself to be known as a great console for any games. But for the sake of your argument, I would say it's Sackboy of the LBP.
  • It used to be Crash Bandicoot but now they don't really have one. I guess out of everyone it would probably be Sackboy but people wont automatically associate his face with Sony
  • Nobody wants to be the face of Sony. That's an embarassment.

    I think it should be someone's butt hole.

  • Creator of sony i guess :P

    Invisible maybe? or hidden?
  • In the PS1 days it was Crash, PS2 it was Ratchet and PS3 it is Sackboy. So Sony doesn't let a mascot get washed up, they change it
  • I think it should be...




    but yes, in the past it would have been crash bandicoot or spyro.
  • God of War, Soul Calibur, Metal Gear Solid, GTA ... so many faces
  • dunno... spyro i would have said back in the day but now its all gross.
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