Friday, June 12, 2009

Should I get PROTOTYPE? Or is there another game which is better?

May be...
  • I've been seeing some reviews around youtube.

    I am thinking of getting prototype.

    I'd just like to know

    - How are the graphics

    - Does the storyline make sense

    - How is the gameplay

    Thx, and if you think there is a better game than prototype then list below, I'm also thinking of buying killzone 2, infamous, red faction: guerilla, street fighter 4, are these games better than prototype?
  • I haven't played Prototype but I have read about it. As for the graphics most people are saying they look like last gen. I would look up some videos on youtube for game-play, there is lots there.

    Killzone 2- Great graphics and a good online.

    inFamous- Its ok, the story got repetetive though, there were some issues when climbing but it has some good visuals.

    Street Fighter IV- You'll find the game fun till you beat arcade and unlock every character. You'll get bored with it after that unless you want to play online.

    These games can't really be compared with Prototype but inFamous can. To decide which one is better I'd have to have played both games and then decide.

    Check out Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare if you haven't already. The games online is brilliant! Also, GTA IV, LittleBIGPlanet, Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools Of Destruction, Uncharted, Ranibow Six Vegas 2 & of course, Metal Gear Solid 4.

    Games to look for, Modern Warfare 2, Uncharted 2, Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack In Time, Heavy Rain & God Of war III.
  • IT annoys me how many people care about graphics more then the actual game.

    Lets just get this straight

    GRAPHICS DON'T MAKE A GAME. game play does.

    I own prototype and its a totally wicked game. I also played Kill zone 2. maybe its just me but Prototype will not be repetitive since its an open world game. Kill zone on the other hand WILL get repetitive because the same enemies appear at the same spots ALL the time. I would recommend to rent it rather then buy it. Infamouse looks repetitive and street fighter just isn't that fun looking since im not into those types of games. overall for me. PRototype wins

    Prototype: 7/10 graphics, 10/10 for game play. 9.75/10 for story. I think you should buy prototype haha
  • I would say Killzone 2 is a better game than Prototype in terms of action/shooter... Prototype is like a:

    Grand Theft Auto/ Assasin's Creed / Resident Evil/ Spiderman: Web of Shadows

    thing all jumbled up into one game.

    The graphics aren't the greatest thing you've ever seen but I'd say they're decent. The storyline is a bit like Max Payne... (bunch of flashbacks hahaha...). The gameplay is awesome, although a bit confusing at first. Many loading scenes but that's alright (that's just for the story mode). Haven't got too far so I don't know much about the storyline yet. I'm just going on a rampage killing people and evolving ^^
  • I havn't played Prototype, and i doubt i will get it. I HAVE played inFAMOUS and KZ2. Both are a lot better then what Prototype looks. I meen Prototype is probily pretty good, just not KZ2 or inFAMOUS. 2 other good games you should think about is FarCry2 or FALLOUT3.
  • I would get Rainbow Six: Vegas 2. If you get vegas PM for my PSN.

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