Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Square revealed Final Fantasy XIV will be an MMORPG?

May be...
  • What does everybody thinks about this?

    I've played Final Fantasy XI, and loved it.. but I thought it was time consuming, and there's no way I will have time to play another MMORPG in about 5 years (I'm guessing it will be released in aboiut 5 years..)
  • if you watched a little after or online on g4tv adam sesler was interviewing some Square enix gut and said he wont make us suffer for XIV so im guessing 4 and a half years LOL... Yeah, if i don't have kids or a wife by then ill check it out...lool
  • I actually haven't heard anything about a XIV yet. As far as I'm concerned it's going to be XIII for the 360 and PS3 (simultaneous releases) and then another version of XIII called XIII Versus (which rumors say it's only a PS3 release). Both XIII and XIII Versus are obviously going to be amazing. As for when it comes out, if XIV will be released it should probably not be either 'till next gen consoles, or a really long time from now. We'll have to wait and see.

    I love the final fantasy games, but after the partnership, and my playing of kingdom hearts, I feel like their battle system should be changed. Again, this is just MY opinion so I hope no one gets mad or angry or anything. I would love to play a final fantasy where I get to actually attack and jump and fight and all that good stuff. Not just a final fantasy that plays like a movie, like every other final fantasy game that has came out.
  • if we do have to wait 5 years for it to come out that means its coming out in 2010 cause they have been working on it since 2005 it was code named rapture everyone knows about this game and everyone that plays FFXI has known that this was going to be XIV when they first announced it lol but its suppose to come out in Q3:2009 also if just to let you x-box ppl now if your not in america xbox isn't getting FFXIII, FFXIII is only being released for xbox in america because SE realizes that Xbox is dead everywhere else in the world besides america so making FFXIII for other places would just be a waste of money
  • its being released next year... around the same time as XIII
  • sorry to the person above me but IGN confirms it as PS3 and PC only and it is hitting stores worldwide sometime next year.
  • WOW. that's to long to wait for.. 5 year??? tisk tisk should of been this year or next =E
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