Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What are the pros and cons of the PS3 and XBOX360?

May be...
  • im trying to decide which console i want to buy. the decision will be made soon and i need to know from people who have a good knowledge of both systems to give me the pros and cons of each system. best answer will go to person who gives me an unbiased list, no fanboy crap.
  • Xbox 360:


    Regarded to have better online service e.g. voice chat party system

    Halo and Gears of war very popular games

    Everyone has a headset

    Good for shooters

    Gets DLC sooner than ps3 in a few cases or only dlc specific for xbox

    XBL arcade


    Higher breakage rate

    Have to pay more after you buy the system e.g. Wifi adapter, Microsoft Hard Drive

    Have to pay to play online

    Only uses dvd (9gb)

    Only uses Microsoft accesories e.g. microsoft webcam not just normal one, microsoft wireless headset not the one u use for ur phone

    Not as much variety in the games


    Great Value for $$

    Bluray player(50gb disk means bigger games in future)

    Very good first party developers e.g. Naughty Dog, Insomniac games

    Gets very fun exclusives

    Exclusives have had 1/3 metacritic rating which is higher than any other console

    Free online play

    Constant free updates

    PSN sotre (which includes PS1 Classics to download)

    Wide variety of games

    Built in WIFI Connection


    PSP Remote play connection(Also Sony Ericsson Aino will have this)

    Great Quality Peripherals

    Better Hard drive (sata 2.5") up to 500gb

    games aren't region locked

    Play TV(A tv recorder)


    Initial price is alot

    Not everyone will have a headset

    Doesnt get as much DLC (downloadable content)

    gmae patches are sometimes big like 100mb download
  • depends if you want to play with your friends get the system they have, which is probably a 360 because its cheap. It has many exclusives and most of the game ps3 has. internet costs about ten bucks a month. Not to get down on the ps3 it has some great exclusives like mgs4 or little big planet. It often has better graphics and has blueray, online is free but not that great. Really the main thing is what type of games you play. if you play shooters xbox is a better console if you play racers and sports and like blueray get a ps3.
  • Xbox 360

    pros-Larger online community

    -a few better games


    better downloads on marketplace

    cons-online community is more of a younger audience(immature)

    -not much you can add on

    -online play is $50 year


    pros-free online play


    more up to date gpu


    wireless reciever built in

    web browser

    can install o/s on it to use it as a pc

    cons-not many epic games, but it does have good ones

    everyone hates it for some geeky reasons

    not many games released for it the past year or so

    I own both systems and love both, but to be honest Sony is catching up to Microsoft if not already passed them. Try both and see which one best suits you.
  • 3 things that there are better on the 360

    1online it wont lag as much


    3the store is so much better which also inculdes dlc

    ps3 has 3 better things than 360

    1 games more games dont belive me tell how many games microsoft as made which are great

    here the list


    mass effect 1 mass effect 2 mass effect 3 fable 2 fear files halo 3 halo odst gears of war 1 and 2 left 4 dead thats about it froza

    now ps3 only games lbp kz2 ristance 1 and 2 infamous uncharted uncharted 2 warhawk god of war 3 gran turismo haze heavy rain heavenly sword so anyone who says 360 has better games is stupid the 360 has better dlc but not games

    2 has blu ray

    3 wont break so easily like 360 with the ring of death and the e74 error


    1laggy sometimes

    2 graphics a small difference who cares i dont

    3price and users not so many have it

    4 price

    5 dlc

    360 flaws

    1it can break as soon as the first day u get it and might have to buy another one

    2 360 games exculsives not so many

    3the price shows that if it breaks u need to buy another one why not buy 1 ps3 than buy 5 360s

    4 u can get reported for about anything come on i cant f in the 360 its my house

    winner in the long run who ps3

    anyone who says the 360 has more games is an idiot it has more games becuase they came out a year eariler and got some ps2 games on the 360 but the exculsives sony wins
  • Rocker pretty much said everything I was going to say. Except the PS3 seems to have better graphics to me. But that may just be my XBOX 360. It is a 1st generation and does not hook up through HDMI. I have mine hooked up with VGA which is fairly close. However the XBOX is better for multiplayer games because XBOX LIVE is way more sophisticated than PSN but it costs $50 a year but well worth it!
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