Thursday, July 16, 2009

Games Similar to InFamous?

May be...
  • im getting 2 ps3 games when i get a ps3 (either this week or next week) and i want to get InFamous and a game similar to that game (you have super powers and you can choose your own decisions(hero anti-hero)) i have bioshock for 360 and i might get prototype for 360 so not including those three what other games are like that
  • First off, I have both infamous and Prototype and I can say that they aren't to comparable in a one or the other situation. Get both.

    Prototype plays faster and more violent by far. You also feel way more powerful in Prototype, nearly Godlike (Your Codename is Zeus in game). Sure Prototype needs to recharge his health, but he does it by tearing any living thing apart and absorbing their biomass... way cool. The absorbtion also changes with whatever weapons Alex(Prototype) is using as well. Whipfist tosses and spears targets, musclemass tears them in half, claws shred or push heads inside torsos.... you get the idea. Another fun thing is you get EP (Evolution Points) to buy whatever upgrades you want in the order you wish. You could spend a few hours just ripping apart everything in sight to level up your powers instead of being given them for advancing the story line. However, sometimes you have to complete a story mission to unlock a new tier of available upgrades.

    if you are looking for an exciting game unlike anything you've seen before, this is the game for you, with the . free roaming it's provides with complete side quests and events. It has the potential to provide you with some real "did i just do that!" moments.

    I will say that infamous feels like a better game and is much smoother than Prototype. However, I think Prototype's gritty uber-violence fits it well as infamous smooth streamlined gameplay works for it.

    At the end of the day if you are looking for a game that provides massive levels of carnage and mayhem without the abundant morality decisions or narrow story paths, Prototype delivers."
  • Kinda hard to find a game similar to infamous but Fallout 3 is Kinda similar except you dont have super powers but u do have karma and at some points can choose different paths and actions that affect your karms...for examplat one point there is an atomic bomb in megaton which is a small village/ town and the towns people offer you a home there is you defuse the bomb but this other rather wealthy man wants you to blow it up for something (i forgot what it was) and well whateveru do it will affect ur karms. killing innocent will bring down karma etc....try it a review on youtube or gametrailers.
  • Dead Space is similar. Great game. There aren't many games like that, even though there should be. Stick with those for awhile because you will get plenty of enjoyment for a couple of months. Afro Samurai, Assassin's Creed, Dark Athena, and Dark Sector are some others to look into.
  • well there is also spider man that was a sandbox type of game
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