Thursday, July 16, 2009

Playstation 3 PSN anyone?

May be...
  • i have a PS3

    my PSN: xSAOSINxTDWPx92

    gimme yours :)

    i have battlefield, and im working on getting COD:WaW

    im reallly bored

    and yes i know blah blah blah xbox is better blah balh blah
  • Got battlefield too (bad company,1943), Dave1351
  • mine is aguilasforlife add me i play COD WAW and others
  • GustavoMasis-Flo. Get Resistance 2! The game is phenomenal.
  • Xbox isn't better!

    If you ever get COD:WaW, email me and I will add you. That is the only game I play these days lol.
  • Cool my psn is DuRaN_214 I would suggest getting cod modern warfare i think its more fun thn cod waw.:)
  • I play COD:WaW a lot. PSN is farhanbari
  • get warhawk kyle_13
  • mine is marine10296 and i have both games
  • Kung_Fu_King

    I have both games and play online a few times a week
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