Sunday, July 12, 2009

Hey guys, whats wrong with my Playstation 3?

May be...
  • hey whats up guys, my ps3 is not reading my discs when i put them in, but then the screen goes pitch black. Could you help me with this problem
  • Yeah sure of course! I would first get a bottle of compressed air, then press the button right next to the fans on the side of the ps3 or get a DVD Cleaner, and just clean out the disc reader if it's dirty. That will help clean the disc reader, from the dust and stuff that has gotten into it. Then reconnect the AV Cables, and make sure they are connected properly again. Then, if that doesn't work, then go to a nearby Gamestop store, with your ps3, and ask them if they could help fix it. If they can't help you, then i would call Sony at 1-800-345-7669 or 1-800-345-SONY. If your warranty is out, then you have to pay $150 dollars, to get it fixed. Hope this helped, and hope ya get your ps3 fixed soon!
  • HOLY CRAP IVE BEEN HAVING THE SAME PROBLEM!!! only with one game-CoD5....i tried buying a brand new game and that one wont work either...i just asked a question about the same problem lol....

    1. try ressetting your PS3, go into settings, then scroll down until you find the option to reset to default settings

    2. you can try cleaning each disc with the CD cleaner (be very gentil wipe in circles from the inside of the disc out)

    3. go into the game section on the menu of the PS3 (when u first turn it on) then go into the first folder its the game data utility or something, delete each intalled game (this wont delete your memory of the game, u will just hav 2 renintall each game over again)

    4. try buying a DVD player cleaner, it cleans the inside of the PS3, there could be a lot of dust in there.

    5. a piece of dust could have landed right on the laser that reads the discs :( not sure how 2 fix that one...

    6. if none of those work bring it 2 the store you bought it from!!...if u still hav the recipt that would b awesome, u could return it n get a new one...if u do get a new PS3 i reccomend saving all of your games into a data stick then putting it into the new PS3..

    7. i hope u fix it :) goodluck!!

    do u hav a 40G PS3?? cuz i do n my frend is having same trubble with his PS3 n his is 40G....
  • Your ps3 turns on, right? Did you move it from your normal tv to a different one? A lot of times, what happens is that people move it from a HDTV to a regular tv (or vice versa), and it messes up the settings.
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