Thursday, July 30, 2009

How would one move data from one sony mamery stick duo pro to anuther?

May be...
  • I want to get a bigger one for my PSP but i don't want to lose all my game saves.
  • Hi. I recently went from a 2 to 8GB card on my PSP. Now, being a stickler for things working correctly, I ran into a snag doing this - but if you don't care about it then it's way easier for you. Here's what I did AT FIRST.

    Anyway, I simply connected the PSP to my computer and opened the memory card up like a huge pen drive. I copied each main folder from the PSP card to the PC's folder, just to make a copy of everything there.

    After that, I shut down the connection and switched memory cards. Turned on the PSP with the new card inside and (?) maybe formatted it just to be sure. Then I connected it to my PC, and opened it up like a pen drive again. Highlighted each folder in my PC-PSP backup folder and transferred it over to the PSP's new card. Then I shut down and was done.


    BUT when I looked at my game saves on the PSP, everything was dated TODAY and NOW. Ugh. I loved having my gameplay history in the form of psp saves, where I could scroll down and say "hey I last played Ridge Racer on Sept 13 2007, whoa" and stuff. Not now. It would say "July 30 2009". Grr.

    Looking back on my PSP backup folder, I went into the game saves folder (PSP > SAVEGAME). Every game had a cryptic filename, like ULUS00183profile and each game had its own folder. Right-clicking and selecting properties revealed the "creation date" of the folder was "today" (because of course it was copied today). BUT when going inside the folder and checking the creation date of one of the files inside (like the .DAT file) revealed the actual date and time of the last real save.

    SO IN TRUE NERD FASHION, I wrote down all these cryptic folder names on paper, and also the "true" save date/time from the latest file within that folder. It helped to switch the display to "details" instead of right-clicking all the time. Did that for every game in my SAVEDATA folder.

    And then, after wiping the new memory card clean again, I connected back up and transferred everything EXCEPT the SAVEDATA folder. Then I think I created an empty SAVEDATA folder on the PSP and opened that up.

    Here's where it gets tricky. (I did this from oldest to newest but don't know if it made a difference, I also wanted the names in the same order.) I opened the SAVEDATA-copy folder on my computer, where all the ULUSxxxxx folders were. Then, one at a time, I would RESET MY COMPUTER CLOCK to the actual time/date of the oldest entry. Then I would highlight and transfer that one ULUSxxxxx folder over to the PSP. Then I'd change the PC's time to the 2nd oldest gamesave, then transfer that folder over. And so on, for about an hour this took.

    My last folder was copied over and I finally reset my PC's time to actual current time. I didn't do much with my PC while the time was different, because I didn't want to flag lots of real files wrong on my machine as I mucked about.

    Finally I disconnected the PSP and looked into my gamesaves from the handheld. Yes! Everything had the original final-date of play, and my look back into time had been preserved. Of course things might be a minute or two off, but that's okay.

    But even better, if you don't care about the times the files are stamped with, then all you need to do is copy the contents of your memory stick to a PC folder, then dump them back into a new memory stick, overwriting the few folders that might already be there.

    Sorry this was such a long response. This time problem was what brought me to Y!A in the first place, but no one answered, and my question got deleted. Kinda frustrating, so I wanna help you.

    Whatever you do, DO NOT erase the contents of your "original" memory card. At least not yet. Make sure everything works properly, and maybe pop in a game or two to ensure the saves work, and that you can resave to the card your new progress. I don't know of anything that went wrong with what I did, it just seemed to work, and that was months ago.
  • put it in a memory card reader - plug into a ps3 - copy

    plug psp in with new card and copy back

    might work

    try calling sony to see how it's best done 1-800-345-sony
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