Friday, July 24, 2009

Is it bad for ps3 while in standby that a power outage occurs and also while playing but not accessing the HDD?

May be...
  • And how loud is the ps3 supposed to be because I can hear it when I mute my TV at least 2-3 feet away(it is well ventilated but it really gets hot in the house with no A/C just a regular fan)?

    When a brownout where the power shuts off the whole appliances in the house when ps3 is on standby and also during game play is it bad for PS3?Will it damage it or shorten the lifespan or whatever?
  • Its bad for the PS3 hard drive if its shutdown improperly. This means that the PS3 is running (regardless what you're actually doing) and then immediately shut off without using any of the shutdown menus or options. It doesn't mean sh*t if its already in Standby because the system is not running in Standby.

    As for damage to the console itself in power outages, this is why a responsible owner will have it hooked up to a surge protector like any other expensive electronic.

    Your PS3 is running normally. Remeber, its summertime and the PS3 is sucking in that hot air around it.

    EDIT: If its in Standby and a power outage occurs, it won't damage the hard drive since the hard drive is not running in Standby mode. If the PS3 is on, regardless if the hard drive is bein accessed or not, and the outage occurs, it might shorten the lifespan or corrupt the hard drive. Usually, you would have to do this improper shutdown multiple times to really cause any damage to the hard drive. I would not worry unless there are power outages in your area every week (unlikely).

    As for damage to the PS3 itself (like motherboard or power supply) the PS3 should be hooked up to a surge protector so things like power outages don't damage your electronics in any way. This is why you see companies advertise these $5,000 guaranteed deals to replace your equipment if any of your electronics get damaged when you use their surge protector products. You could also use UPS ones that have battery backups and keep the electronics running when a power outage occurs and gives you a chance to shut the equipment down properly.

    As for the fan, I have noticed my fan running a lot more since July regardless what I'm doing. I don't know how hot my apartment is, but I know its pretty warm in here. The fact that your fan is fluctuating in speeds tell me its operating normally.
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