Monday, July 27, 2009

Is it safe to play PS2 games on PS3?

May be...
  • I have a PS3 that is compatible with playing PS2 games. i was told that it's not wise to play PS2 games on your PS3 because it's unstable.. it could ruin the laser and what not. (i wasn't given a direct reason why, i was just told this)

    so i want to know, is it safe to play PS2 games on your PS3?

    i have the 80gig, i bought it a year after the PS3 came out, i had to get it repaired because of the laser not reading back in december.
  • The PS3 may have a slightly higher risk of overheating when playing PS2 games, but that is it. PS2 games may make the PS3 run hotter since it requires more power than any other PS3 feature, including PS3 game playback. It should not ruin the laser or make the PS3 unstable in any way.
  • Of course they work. Saying a ps2 disc would ruin the laser is the same as saying a DVD would ruin the laser. Playing PS2 games won't cause any problems but since you're using an 80gb ps3 which uses software backwards compatibility, not all games will function right. I think it has something like a 90% compatibility rate.
  • yes it's safe
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