Sunday, July 26, 2009

Is it worth getting a ps3 now?

May be...
  • My 360 has just got its 1st red light (only had it 1 and a half months!) and I'm really annoyed. I used to play my 360 all the time but I obviously can't now. I was thinking of getting a ps3 for my birthday in october and now that sounds more like a good idea. What should I do. Get my xbox 360 repaired to risk it getting another red light and me being one step closer to getting the red ring of death or just go and sell my 360 and games and getting a ps3. I heard ps3 are more reliable and my friends and cousins have ps3
  • Hmm if its for your birthday definetly. Next month theres a strong rumour a PS3 Slim along with a price drop will come so that will be good. I got my PS3 last month and it is probably the best thing I have ever gotten.

    The games are awesome, the online is good, the acessories are awesome and the features are jammed pack. I havent played my Wii scince I got my PS3 and I cant stand playing my friends XBOX. I reaallyyy think the PS3 is awesome and so many good games are for it! Theres also a heap more coming out end of this year/start of next... Heres the exclusives:

    Uncharted, Uncharted 2, MAG, Resistance: Fall of Man, Resistance 2, God of War 3, Killzone 2, Metal Gear Solid 4, Wipeout HD, Ratchet and Clank: Crack in Time, Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, Gran Turismo 5, Motorstorm, Motorstorm: Pacific Rift, Little Big Planet... Theres afew more I can't think of...

    Anyway I think you should get one in October when hopefully therl have been a PS3 slim along with a price drop!
  • Yes! I had a 40 gig and sold it and upgraded to a 60gig ps3 for the backward compatibility and it was so worth the extra money. 60 and original 4 usb port 80 gig ps3's are both backward compatible with ps2 games but 60 is more compatible. the price of both is pretty high for being used though and very close to the price of a new 160gig that i heard wasnt b/c. backward compatibility is definetely worth it if you have alot of ps2 games that you still like to play.
  • the ps3 is rumored to go down $100 in august or september. so if u get one in october u should get the new lowered price (itll be like 299 instead of 399). but it is still a rumor and many companies are pushing sony to lower the price. but if it does get lowered itll happen in aug or sept. goodluck
  • Do it! ps3 is only going to get better titles and it's rumored there might be a slimline ps3 coming out. late 09 2010 will be ps3's year. I believe there are going to be some great (ps3 only) titles coming out. and dude get nhl 2010 when it comes out (nhl series whore).
  • Go with the PS3 and with its amazing gaming lineup you'd be more impressed and as most of your friends have the ps3 as well you can share your games as well - this is a big advantage !!
  • yes.. i was at the doctors the other day.. and i was waiting like 2 hours and all i can think of is.. i wish i had my psp right now..
  • I think you should go with the PS3. I am a girl but my brother has one and we play it all the time its sooo much fun and the graphics are awesome.
  • Its worth it ps3 game lineup in the next 12months is better than the other consoles in terms of quality and quantity
  • Ya get a ps3 it has awesome graphics and the best rated games.
  • Get a Sega Genesis
  • if i were you i would get a wii.......... lololololololoolol

  • Hmm if its for your birthday definetly. Next month theres a strong rumour a PS3 Slim along with a price drop will come so that will be good. I got my PS3 last month and it is probably the best thing I have ever gotten.

    The games are awesome, the online is good, the acessories are awesome and the features are jammed pack. I havent played my Wii scince I got my PS3 and I cant stand playing my friends XBOX. I reaallyyy think the PS3 is awesome and so many good games are for it! Theres also a heap more coming out end of this year/start of next... Heres the exclusives:

    Uncharted, Uncharted 2, MAG, Resistance: Fall of Man, Resistance 2, God of War 3, Killzone 2, Metal Gear Solid 4, Wipeout HD, Ratchet and Clank: Crack in Time, Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, Gran Turismo 5, Motorstorm, Motorstorm: Pacific Rift, Little Big Planet... Theres afew more I can't think of...

    Anyway I think you should get one in October when hopefully therl have been a PS3 slim along with a price drop!
  • I would wait. PS3s will soon get a drop in price and it would be best to wait a little while since youve already waited this long. Also, the 360 is well within warranty so if anything were to happen for atleast a year then they would fix it for no fee, just call xbox support and theyll talk you through it. Plus, if has to be fixed 3 times, they send you a new console altogether. 360s are way better, just use your friends PS3 and send the xbox in.
  • well i got a 360 then got a ps3 2 years later and i kind of regret it still cause i already got the good games. Don't like metal gear solid 4.
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