Tuesday, July 14, 2009

PS3 Media Server Divx Help?

May be...
  • I have my PS3 connected to my PC via Windows Media Player. I converted a movie to Divx using "Divx Converter". When I tried to play it on my PS3 it states that it is a nonsupported file. I checked the file on the PC and it works fine. The next day I was able to play the file on the PS3. I went to play the same file again, but now it shows again as a nonsupported file. I know the PS3 is capable of playing the file, how can I get to stop showing as a nonsupported file. Thanks
  • some divx converters use a version not compatible with ps3

    if you use java ps3 media server it converts video automatically to ps3 compatible format so you can watch anything , no conversion needed - even iso files are watchable on ps3 with it
  • Video is far more complicated than the format labels suggest. You have to consider bitrates, bit tolerance, framerates, video codec, audio codec and about a million other things.

    The ps3, when it says it plays a format, it means it plays that format on a very narrow set of codecs and attributes. For example, it plays mpeg4, but not if the audio is encoded in .mp3.

    Any video file that isn't just right, the ps3 will turn up its nose and say either "unsupported data" or "corrupted data." Even though your computer will play it just fine, and the ps3 under linux will play it too.

    There is no way to fix it. PS3's div-x support is generally meant for streaming. So when you convert a file, don't convert it to div-x. Better to convert it to mpeg4 using the following settings:

    vcodec: lavc

    acodec: libfaac

    sameq (or set quantizer to "same as source")

    if you're converting from flash or wmv, you may need to increase the video and audio bitrates also.

    I've seen the div-x converter and it's not very good, it's too simplistic. Better to use Firefox 3's download manager converter add-on, which is a front-end for ffmpeg. ffmpeg is the ultimate video transcoding SAK. If you don't have firefox, search "ffmpeg frontend windows" and you'll find a windows program that uses it. Or if you use linux, try avidemux, an excellent editing/transcoding program that I use all the time.

    Won't you need div-x because you're streaming though? Nope, not with UPnP streaming. Just about anything will work, and you can just copy it over first too.
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