Monday, July 13, 2009

PS3 Slim Photos And Video Rumor.?

May be...
  • What Do You Think


    Sony's Ads Now Use The japanese vioce with the logo as PS3 rater than PLAYSTATION 3 in spidreman font.


    UGLY AS HELL!!!!! sorry, but i hate it its like a curved thin dvd player.

    Sony themselves hinted at a ps3 slim about the size of the PS2 Phat.

    what do you think.

    i hope sony has a better design if this IS real, hopefully not.

    plus no touch power or eject buttons =(

    ive grown to life that.

  • Rumors from credible analysts are saying the PS3 Slim will remain in the $400 range. They're actually making it sound like the fatter 160 GB model will be cheaper than the Slim. That may be the model receiving the alleged $100 drop and still keeps the PS3 around $400 in the future, which was also mentioned by the same analysts.

    But, again, all rumors, including the existence of a PS3 Slim.

    All Slim Playstations have had more problems than the fatter counterparts one way or the other. Less space and cheaper materials will do that. No reason to think that won't happen with a Slim PS3.
  • Hopefully the PS3 Slim will sell for $300 and boost up the sales. I'm not gonna but it since I have the launch 80 gig with BC. But the new system might be good for Sony.
  • No touch power? so that means you can only turn it on through the ps3 controller, but if the ps3 controller is out of battery then you're stuffed
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