Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Who do you think will win the console war ps3,xbox360 or wii?

May be...
  • in my opinion its the ps3 because sony has been the leader since the release of the ps1 and ps2 in the last console wars.People who think its the 360 are naeive it has way too many flaws unlike the ps3 which only has the yellow light of death which only occurs 0.2% of the time and the 360 has the red ring of death which occurs 33% of the time and overheats too quickly but with the ps3 you can leave it on for a week and it won't overheat if its in a well ventilated are.the wii should just be cut out of the picture for how terrible it is.
  • Many 360 owners claim the 360 has better games. I have both systems and I don't think thats true. I think the PS3 has better games by far. Uncharted, MGS4, KZ 2, Resistance, LBP, Infamous, God of War, the list goes on.

    The only reason I still have my 360 is to play L4D and Gears of War. Also a few of my friends have a 360 and we play COD.

    The 360 has a better online community. The PS3 wins in every other category.
  • You fail to mention the fact that sony is now last in the console wars and will continue to lag far behind Microsoft and Nintendo with their overpriced system. Funny thing that people that advocate for the PS3 rarely bring up which system have better games. (the 360 obviously). People that advocate for the PS3 ALWAYS bring up:

    -Blue Ray


    Nothing else, not online, not games
  • ps3

    smart people know it's the ultimate all in one entertainment system

    btw I'm starting a campaign to get some upgrades added to the ps3 on the next update so please contact sony support and let them know we want :

    more avatars

    more music player visualizations

    the ability to put digital copies included in dvds and blu-rays onto the ps3 hard drive

    the more e-mails they get the better the chance of getting it
  • yeah it's the ps3...


    Because it has free online, a bluray player and a better controller.
  • The wii definitely its getting far more better exclusives its gameplay is like no other and the motion sensing took the video game industry by storm.And it out selling the ps3 6 to 1 no matter how much Sony fans want the ps3 to win it won't.

    I mean seriously what does the ps3 have that other consoles don't? the only thing I can think of is blu-ray.Graphics the 360 also has in sixaxis the Wii by a long shot wins.

    If you think the wii is terrible how is it possible it out selling the ps3?

    I have to admit the ps2 and the ps1 were the best but Sony can't aways be in the top spot.This Generation is 1st wii 2nd 360 and sadly for the ps3 its third.

    Sorry Sony better luck next time.

    On the over heating thing I leave my ps3 over a week and then when I play it freezes on you but on the Wii however leave it and nothing will happen.

    Sony can't aways be leader it nearly impossible for something to aways be leader just look at history

    Leader of the world

    -27 BC–AD 476-Roman empire

    -1600s-1600s-British empire

    -1900s-? -USA

    -?-? eventually another country (most likely China or Russia)

    You can see that no country ever stayed leader Forever
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