Saturday, August 15, 2009

I have a big Ps3 problem! please look at the details and help me out!?

May be...
  • I need a little advice-i'm leaving to Sri Lanka for a year from the U.K. and want to buy a ps3. I really need someone to tell me a).if I should buy it here or if it is available at Heathrow airport duty free for cheaper. b).whether I should wait until it gets cheaper and c).whether it will get damaged by Sri Lanakan weather,dust and voltage fluctuations.I would really appreciate an answer.Thank You in advance and no i'm not interested in any other device :)
  • prolly, because Sri Lanka is in Asia the region for your PS3 will be different from the one in UK, so, if you buy is in Sri Lanka you wont be able to buy any game in the UK.. b'cause it wont play..

    So it's better for you to buy it in UK, and buy also some games..

    About the cheaper thing.. videogames are always getting cheaper.. you are the one to decide if you should buy it now, or wait for a cheaper one.. but don't wait too long, 'cause if you do, it will prolly release another better and more expensive one.. Think about it..

    Don't worry about the whether.. the PS3 resists to a lot of situations.. they can't make one saying that is not made to play in some place... you know what i mean?

    Hope i helped..

    sorry about my english.. im from brazil..
  • Ps3 games from the uk WILL play on an Asian ps3, if you have got an HD tv. Ok, have you looked what price the ps3 is in sri lanka, because if you buy it in the uk, you will need a volatge converter which can be quite expensive
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