Friday, August 14, 2009

If Sony adds the sterioscopic 3D gameplay to the PS3 Slim that will be announced on August 18 for $299?

May be...
  • oh btw its 120gb and the sterioscopic 3d is up for grabs i just was wondering if it would want u to buy it more
  • I think its hilarious that people actually think Sony will sell a PS3 for $299 this early in its production cycle. Microsoft would never allow the PS3 to be the same price as its top 360 model, so either Microsoft is lying about its price drop to $299, or the Slim PS3 will be more than $299 when released. The rumors are actually saying the Slim will be $400 and this makes sense since the also cheaper-to-make PSP Go has a premium $250 pricetag. Sony is not struggling to sell PS3s at $399 and the hype will be enough to get the Slim off of shelves.

    Anyway, no, it would make me want to buy it more. I would buy a Fatboy PS3 first regardless what the Slim has.

    EDIT: Are you serious???? I think you are the noob my friend. Since when did the UK start using US Dollars? Everything I see about the Slim and 299 refers to 299 EUROS!!! Converting that translates to OVER $400 USD!!! With current rates, it actually comes out to about $425 USD. Looks like you just proved my point.

    However, Sony is the one making the Slim and setting the price, so only their word is valid, not yours and mine. Yes, we should wait for Sony to say it themselves instead of arguing over speculation.
  • Ok 1. Please disreguard sickcallaway's comment as he is a noob and doesn't know anything as it was just confirmed that PS3s are now $299 in the U.K. Plus as you can see that's an official box art, there's videos of it being showed to ppl in china, french retailer have confirmed it, what more else do you need? Sony to say ok here's the bew ps3? Look at the history: PS-PSone, PS2-PS2 Slim, PSP-PSP Slim and Lite. Even if its not announced at GamesCom, most definatly it will at the Tokyo Game Show which is earlier this year. And yes microsoft confirmed that they droped the pro and lowered the elite price, why? Because microsoft is a "Me Too" corparation. Anyways I'm in the process of saving for a ps3 so after seeing the specs of the slim, I'll decide wether I want it or the original. As for stereoscopic 3D, sony doesn't need to announce it as its been confirmed already for the Avatar game(james cameron not Aang). Btw the slim looks sexy.(Not the silver crap)
  • it not bad price yeah why not. finally sony!!! good things happen to you
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