Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Playstation 3 or xbox360?

May be...
  • im thinking of getting playstation or xbox360 people say there both good but which is really cool?
  • ps3, online is free! plus the games are great too! plus its a blue ray player. Plus you dont have to buy a wireless adapter! the sony processor is better, and the graphics card is slightly faster!

    as you can see, im for ps3 partially because i have one, but both consoles are very close. its all a matter of preferences, example, coke or pepsi.. pretty much the same, but some people choose one over the other.

    most people will say that ps3 is for performance, while xbox is for gaming.. i can agree with that. but that doesnt mean there isnt gaming for the ps3!

    if you get a ps3, add me, drbob25
  • Im a major ps3 fanboy. I also own a 360 and i have to say the ps3 is clearly better. The only reason 360 got more sales its because its $200 but accaully your getting riped off. on the ps3 your getting a 300 dollar blue ray player. on the 360 you got to buy an hd player which is $100 dollars. ps3 has BUILT IN WI-FI 360 dosn't so have to pay about $84 for an adapter. Unless you a 24 foot wire from your computer to your 360. on 360 controllers you have to put batteries on ps3 you dont they give you a usb charger which you hook it your ps3.Your saving about 6-10 dollars a month. also you get 80 gigabytes on your ps3 and the $200 version 360 have very low meamory unit. on your ps3 you'll get 80 gigs for massive downloads,pictures,gamedata,music,anythi…

    oh yea also you get to play online games for free on your ps3 just make an account. on 360 you have to pay about 15 dollars every 3 months or 60-80 dollars a year.

    yea 360 is cheap but really your paying so much money.

    ps3 is just $399.99 but look what your getting $300 blu ray player,built in wi-fi,80 gigs,no batteries,playstation network,you can browse the internet,

    the death rate of a 360 is about 36-56% percent of getting the three ring of death rate. the microsoft company repairs that but imagine sending it about 2,3times a year.

    ps3 has a 0 .2-1.6 death rate.

    ps3 has a higher chip for graphics they might look similar but there not. ps3 has a 50 gigabyte blue ray disk for higher graphics and 360 has the standard 12 gig dvd rom cd.

    thats why when they made gta 4 they couldnt put as much things as they wanted to because 360 had only 12 gigs to work with yea ps3 has 50 gigs. but it wouldn't be fair for 360.

    and the ps3 is a killing machine

    go get it..

  • Before I start explaining on which system you should get, I want to let you know that I have both systems. Its better to talk to a person who had experience with both systems… Here is my proof that I have both systems-…

    Here we go, based on my experience, I recommend you the PS3

    Why? Well here’s why…

    - Sony had 2 successful consoles that sold over 200 million combined, so they have the best experience with gaming consoles

    - To these people who say that Xbox 360 has better games, that’s no longer true… Since 2007 PS3 had AAA titles that were released. Heavenly Sword, Ratchet and Clank: FTOD, Uncharted, Metal Gear Solid 4, Killzone 2, MLB 09 The Show, Motorstorm Pacific Rift, LittleBigPlanet, Infamous, etc. along with other AAA that are coming out this year- Gran Turismo 5, MAG, Uncharted 2, Ratchet and Clank: ACIT, Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, etc. Almost every PS3 exclusives are a graphical powerhouse, unlike Xbox 360's exclusives. You cannot go wrong with games that has amazing graphics along with amazing gameplay... It has been proven from time to time that PS3 has higher rated exclusives.

    - Xbox 360 was released in 2005, and its potential has been maxed out in 2006, 3 years later from launch, with Gears of War and Gears of War 2. Both games look very identical which shows how obsolete the 360's hardware is ( no games will look better than this game. This picture shows how maxed out xbox 360- - note: Gears 1 came out in 2006 and Gears 2 came out in November 2008 and yet both games look virtually identical.

    - PS3 was released in 2006, and its potential is nowhere near its full potential. Look at Killzone 2 and Uncharted 2, both looks so much more realistic than Xbox 360's best looking game, Gears of War 2. It will only get better for PS3's graphics but the future isn't so bright for Xbox 360's graphics... Just letting you know, I suggest you to google these games to see the difference.

    - PS3 supports FULL 1080p resolution. Xbox 360 can’t display 1080p but it can upscale to 1080p but you can see a big difference between true 1080p(PS3) and upscaled 1080p(xbox 360) Also another thing, PS3 supports HDMI 1.3 which has richer colors and better quality while xbox 360 supports HDMI 1.2 which is outdated HDMI…

    - With PS3, you are not getting just a gaming console, you are also getting a Blu-Ray drive. Blu-ray is the next-gen DVD. Xbox had a HD-DVD drive add-on for $200 but now HD-DVD is dead because people chose Blu-Ray as their Hi-Def format.

    - PS3 games are produced on Blu-ray Disc. There are different capacities for Blu-ray- 25gb and 50gb. However they are coming out with 100gb discs and it will be fully compatible with PS3’s Blu-Ray drive. With the huge storage, developers can add more content, better graphics, and make a longer game. Xbox 360 uses DVD-9 which only holds 9gb. Developers are starting to complain that DVD is not big enough for games.

    - Both systems offer online game however you have to pay $50 to subscribe for Xbox Live while Playstation Network offers the same exact features for free. XBL uses P2P so if someone has a bad connection, then the whole game will be laggy. Basically you are paying $50 for your own bandwidth. PSN has dedicated servers so if one has a bad connection, it will not affect the game at all. PSN also has a virtual social community with Playstation Home. Again PSN is free.

    - Xbox 360 has a reported 33% chance of breaking down… PS3 reported to have .01% chance of breaking down. This might have an impact on your decision…

    - Lastly, Xbox 360 costs more money in the long run with Xbox Live yearly subscription, Wi-Fi adapter(comes built-in with PS3), controller charger(comes built-in with PS3 controller), upgrading harddrive costs almost twice as much on Xbox 360 compared to PS3. This is why you hear people saying PS3 is an investment while Xbox 360 is for the short term...

    This should be enough for you to read... Remember, this is your choice so choose wisely
  • The xbox 360 is crappy, old, and has no good games. People say that the ps3 has no good games, and that's the most obvious lie ever. All the 360 has is Halo and Gears 2 . And most of it's best games are on PC, too. (Mass Effect, Left 4 Dead, Section 8, Splinter Cell, and even Gears of War)
  • 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360

    Hands DOWN 360 the ONLY good thing about PS3 is bluray and that will be short lived. 360 has on demand everything now. no disks needed for movies (HD and non) or games. Xbox Live (online) out classes PS online network so bad it makes me weep for sony. downloadable content exclusive games and sheer content make it NO CONTEST. Graphics are the only other advantage for PS3 but it is not a big enough difference to matter. Besides whats the point of great graphics if the games are not entertaining? Xbox 360 just has way more to offer and at a better price. The only downside to xbox is paying for live service but if you buy a year subscription at walmart its about 40 bucks 40/12=3.33 plus one month free so really 40/13=3.07. You will not regret that and you will see were the money is going. Again NO CONTEST
  • most people say Xbox360 because it's cheaper. But if money does not matter to you, go extreme.. get the PS3.

    to the guy who said blu-ray is going to be short lived... think about this.. Xbox's HD-DVD is dead because it can't come close to Blu-Ray tech.. Blu-ray is just still in incubation stage.. more powerful stuff will come it's way.
  • PS3, i didn't even consider 360.

    1. Blu Ray (i am a huge movie freak)

    2. Metal Gear Solid

    3. Final Fantasy (at the time, it was an exlusive)

    4. Doesn't break

    5. Free online with internet browser.
  • 360 had more errors buy ps3
  • get ps3 because of bluray and free internet and most futureproofness
  • My opinion is the Xbox360
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