Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Got a New PS3 > What Games Should I buy and Why?

May be...
  • I'm a 20-something who has just sold his Wii and bought a PS3.

    What games are recommended and why?

    Quite like action, fighting, FPS and driving games.
  • Well, it depends on how many games you can get I suppose, so here's five...

    Infamous is very good. You have an entire city to explore, and you can play as either good or evil. In-game characters react to you depending on how you play. If you're good, they'll cheer and take photographs and help you beat up the bad guys. If you're bad, they'll boo and throw rocks. No online, but very enjoyable.

    Killzone 2 is also very good. Excellent single player and online. Graphics are great, well worth the money.

    MGS4 is a must, even if you haven't played the others. Fantastic storyline and gameplay. You can spend so much time on this game.

    For anybody, COD4 is essential. Just flawless. Brilliant single player, excellent online gaming, completely addictive. I've spent 8 days in total on this game online, which is nothing compared to the better players.

    And finally, Oblivion: The Elder Scrolls. A few years old, not graphically brilliant, but one of the best games ever. Ever. You can (and I have) spend days of gameplay on this while not doing anything on the main storyline. There are so many options and side missions, characters to meet, items to obtain, guilds to join and lead, everything. Probably my favourite game.

    Hope this helped.
  • Action game- Uncharted 1, Infamous, MGS4.

    Fighting- Um... I don't play this genre so can't comment.

    FPS: Resistance 1/2, Killzone 2, COD4.

    Driving games- GT5:P, Motostorm 1/2, Burnout.

    Personal recommendations:

    1)Killzone 2.. Every FPS fan should have this game. Best graphics till date with gripping action.... Production quality are through the roof. One of the best FPS this gen. Difficult to master at first due to tight controls, but after an hour of adapting, you will LOVE this MASTERPIECE.

    2)Infamous- Great open world game. Really fun. You are a superhero (electricity) in an open world game... Great story and awesome climbing mechanics..... Better than GTA4 I might add.

    3)Uncharted: An action movie.... Phenomenal graphics with great gameplay. UC2 is going to be released this year and it's already regarded as GOTY... Will overtake KZ2 in best graphics category.

  • Infamous ~ an action game where you can play as evil and as a hero

    Metal Gear Solid 4 ~ a must play for a PS3 owner! one of the best action games and it really answers the questions of the other MGS games Superbly

    Prototype sort of a Wolverine meets the Darkness a little repetitive but a GREAT game

    Street Fighter 4 Best new Gen fighting game

    Resistance 2 sequel to resistance FOM

    Resistance Fall of Man What if WW2 was started by an an alien invasion?

    Gran Turismo 5 Prologue I just love it! Don't ask why.. and if the prologue is this good just think how great the full 5 will be in Feb 2010

    those are just a few of the PS3 games I have that I totally love
  • i have a ps3 and my favorite three are

    1)heavenly sword

    2)need 4 speed

    3)winning 11

    number 1 is a very cool fighting game

    number 2 is a racing car game

    number 3 is a soccer game

    all of them r sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo…


  • uncharted- one of the best games on ps3

    burnout paradise city- great driving game really fun

    killzone 2- graphics are amazing and one of ps3 best fps
  • Infamous if you like action with a little bit of rpg got real good scores Little big Planet if you like creating stuff again highly Praised Killzone 2 if you like to kill people and shooters pretty good scores
  • Get anything you want BUT NEVER FORGET TO GET -

    Call Of Duty : Modern Warfare 2


    Uncharted 2 : Among The Thieves

  • Get Call of duty Modern Warfare 2 when it comes out.
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