Thursday, August 13, 2009

Why Doesnt The PS3 Just Do This?

May be...
  • as you know none of the 360 consoles have wifi.

    now i know what most of you will think, well why should i pay extra and stuff like that, i do like that sony gives you most of the basic stuff built in. however i think sony could drop the console by 100$, just by the wifi. simply createa wifi adapter for say idk, about the same as the 360?

    less cost more consoles sold.

    just an idea dont flame im already a Tr4y Member.

  • yea thats true i have like 5 ethernet cables so i wouldn't mind buying a ps3 without wifi
  • Ummm no sony shouldn't do that because they made the PS3 Slim which will have all the same features just in a smaller version at it will only cost $299 anyways because they found a way to produce it at a lower cost as said a ps3 now cost $250 to make.
  • to me thats quite a downfall, the wifi is one of the best attributes (in my opinion) i have one at my house but it isn't exactly mine so ima wait for the price to drop.
  • Same here
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