Tuesday, August 18, 2009

PS3 Price Cuts True????????

May be...
  • Alright.I live in Canada, and will the ps3 price cuts work for Canada-Toronto? And will it work for the slim as well as the fat ps3? 10PTS
  • Yes, it's true. Effectively immediately, all PlayStation 3 consoles are $299 EVERYWHERE.
  • Yup starts tomorrow. $100 off regular prices for the fat ps3.

    Slim ps3 will be $299 and is released in October.

    I'm using American dollars and not sure how exactly that will translate into Canadian dollars but I'm sure the discount is comparable.
  • Price cut starts Worldwide tomorrow. Some retailers will sell it to you and give you back $100 if they will start the price cut tomorrow like they are supposed to.
  • YEA ISN'T IT GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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