Tuesday, August 18, 2009

PS3 Slim Not As Small As i Though?

May be...
  • http://blastmagazine.com/the-magazine/ga…
  • Well, 34% isn't too much.
  • Idk wtf el manico is talking about. No disc based games for ps3 slim? That is entirely untrue. He is thinking of the new psp go, not the ps3 slim.

    Anywho, the original ps3 is a monster and any size reduction is a good thing. Not to mention it comes with a 120 gig hdd standard and uses 34% less power
  • It's actually wider than the original.
  • Its not to small, but none the less smaller.
  • the original is way better
  • no its not small and you cant buy disk based games for it too so you will have to buy all new games for it so do like me and get an ipod touch
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