Thursday, August 27, 2009

PS3 Slim vs PS3 Phat?

May be...
  • Ive had enough with my xbox career so far, cause I have had 3 previous xboxs that have all broken down within 6 months on average and now my current arcade one has just fried, and I havent used it more than any other 360 person. Maybe its that Im just unlucky because many people are fine with theirs.


    Im gonna go with a PS3 and just ignore the high price compared to the xbox. So far all Ive found out in differences with the phat and slim is that the slim uses less power, it gives off less heat is quieter and you can by a 120gb slim for the same price as a 80 gb phat . Is that right? but the phat looks way better than the slim and many people are sticking with their phats cause they know its very very reliable.

    So basically the scores are:

    Phat: - Slim:

    2 - 4

    Please could any one that has an opinion give an answer that covers as much as possible cause I will give the most detailed the best answer and if you could sum it up or whatever with summin like;

    phat:- slim:

    2 - 4

  • The 80 GB looks cooler but its a dust magnet body.If you got 80 GB then you have always clean your 80 GB PS3.Because its get dirty fast because of thier ceramic black paint.In my opinion you have to buy PS3 slim because The PS3 slim (officially called the PS3 CECH-2000) will feature an upgradeable 120GB hard drive and is 33% smaller, 36% lighter, and consumes 34% less power than previous models.The cooling system has been redesigned and Cell processor has moved to a 45nm manufacturing process.The PS3 slim will also include support for BRAVIA Sync allowing control of the console over HDMI and will run quieter than previous models but no longer has the ability to install third party operating systems such as Linux.

    So buy it Because it has more features then PS3 80 GB.Sorry for bad English.
  • well phat for the looks and slim for the hardriove and the weight and the size
  • slim is better if your going to be playing it all night plus it's the 2nd gen of playstation3
  • Well for starters the PS3 had a price drop of $100 effective now ! So the Slim and Fatty PS3 go for $299 while the 160GB with Unchartered: Drake's Fortune packed in goes for $399 !

    Yes you're correct about the Slim being quieter and it does use less power ! On a down note, neither PS3 will play PS2 games nor can you download the LINUX OS ! Sony has stated that BC is not coming back so that's a bummer for people who wanted a BC PS3 !

    Thew only major differences between the Slim and Fatty besides the size is the Slim can now be paired to any Sony Bravia tv with a feature known as Bravia Synch !

    If you have a Bravia TV and you hook up your new PS3 with an HDMI cable (…not included), you can operate the PS3’s media bar with your TV’s remote – you can even set it to turn the system off when you turn the TV off.
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