Monday, August 24, 2009

Since Sony has been so adamant about BC not coming back to the PS3, will BC be in the PS4 ?

May be...
  • I personally believe Sony has disappointed people who bought non BC PS3's and I'm guessing they won't add BC to the PS4 once it debuts ! They underestimate how much people want BC in their PS3 and as consumers who support Sony, they should do the right thing and release an update to bring BC back !
  • It's too early to tell but I believe Sony underestimated just how much BC means to a lot of PS2 owners who still like playing their PS2 games ! No one wants to buy another PS2 console when their old one breaks down !

    I doubt they'll BC to the PS4 !
  • It really depends on how successful Sony can be at emulating the Graphics Synthesizer chip.

    Adding PS2 hardware to the newer consoles has proved to be expensive, therefore, Sony has to charge an arm and a leg for it. Most people aren't willing to pay that much, so Sony removed it. It sucks, but you can't have it both ways. Since too many people were b*tching about the price, you'll never see the hardware in newer consoles again unless the PS2 hardware gets cheaper and that isn't likely anytime soon.

    That leaves emulation. This is very easy and cheap to do with PS1 games, which is why its been available from the get-go. Not so much with the PS2. Emulating the Emotion Engine isn't a big problem. Its the emulation of the Graphics Synthesizer that is difficult, mainly because it runs so damn fast. Recent patent filings for GS emulation shows that Sony has at least attempted to work on it, though.

    If Sony plans to ever bring BC back, it will be through 100% software emulation and that will depend on how successful they can be at emulating the Graphics Synthesizer. Emulation isn't as expensive as the actual hardware and Sony could even charge for it as add-on firmware to help cover the costs (demand is high enough). Also, they won't release it on the PS3 as long as they are still selling PS2 consoles.

    By the way, I was not disappointed about the lack of BC on my 40 GB. Its not like I had to sell my PS2 to get a PS3.
  • y r u talking about a ps4...there coming out w/ another ps3, so y would u talk about a ps4? mine got BC....& whenever the ps4 comes out u wont even be thinking of ps2 games
  • probably not if you seen the price i got mine a little before they took out BC
  • I don't think they'll put BC, as it would cost more money to produce and the console's price would be higher.
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