Saturday, August 1, 2009

What if i get Yellow Light Of Death again?

May be...
  • My ps3 has gotten the yellow light 2 times, i am tired of throwing away my money with sony by fixing my ps3 2 times already. I dont want to get the Yellow light again what can i do to make sure my ps3 is safe. One of my friends reccomended a intercooler, he uses one and he saids its loud but he doesnt care aslongest his ps3 is safe.
  • You're doing something wrong if 2 of them got the yellow light.

    Either you are extremely unlucky and you got 2 faulty systems (failure rate = 2%, and 2% x 2 times = 1%) So that means that there was a 1% chance you could have gotten 2 faulty systems in a row and you ended up doing so (too unlikely). Or you are keeping it in a bad place or are using it too much.

    An intercooler helps it to stop from overheating, but other factors come into play.

    First of all, you need to make sure that it is in a cool area. And it gets ventilation to ALL of its tiny vent holes. Sometimes, people put it on the ground, and there's a intake ventilation area at the bottom front that won't get any air when laid flat on the ground, especially a fluffy carpet/rug.

    Also, standing the ps3 up vertically is generally worse and makes it heat up faster.

    Also, when you hear the fans starting to get loud as you play, then consider stopping to prevent overheating.
  • Ha! An intercooler does not make your PS3 safe from the Yellow Light. In fact, its more likely to come up a lot faster with intercooler use because it interferes with the PS3's cooling operations and puts the PS3 in danger of overheating. A working PS3 placed in the proper settings does not need help in cooling from an intercooler. I would say your console is faulty. And this is assuming you are giving your PS3 the proper conditions, like giving the console adequate space (no enclosed space), vacuuming out dust once a month at least, and not placing the console on sources of heat (that includes TVs & electronics) or objects with magnets or vibration (like speakers or subwoofers).
  • sell it and get a 360 lol but with ur luck u will get the rrod but at least MS covers all costs of fixing it. dont thumbs down me because ur a fanboy, im just saying that the ps3 fails like the 360 does because its a part of life.
  • Just make sure it doesn't overheat, so don't put it in a closed cabinet or small space. Leave at least 10cm each side of it and put it in tower mode.
  • i have never heard of ylod. i play mine all day and haven't got it . u must be doing something wrong
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