Monday, March 24, 2008

Is there anything extra that needs to be purchased to use the PS3 wi-fi feature?

May be...
  • I am looking into purchasing a PS3, but it won't be any where near my DSL modem, so I won't be able to connect it directly. It is a wireless modem, but I want be sure if there will be any extra cost or any additional processes that need to be set up to use the wi-fi feature of the PS3. Thanks.
  • With an 80, 60, or 40 GIG PS3 the wi-fi feature will come right with your system. However, a 20-GIG PS3 doesn't come with this feature and will need to be connected with the ethernet cable into your modem. So, if you absolutely need to use wi-fi, get a 40-GIG or up.
  • No there isnt. Unlike 360 that has everything as an ad-on to get more money in the long run.
  • If you already have a wireless router or modem as you said you do then you will only need to set it up in the network settings in your PS3 and you will be online in no time.
  • Not really no. But you need to purchase a router which is really cheap if you want to use wireless internet. You also need a computer and a modem. You have to hook up a router to your DSL modem. And your DSL modem has to be hooked up to the computer and internet. Then your all set.

    Good luck. Have fun browsing the internet!
  • I'll get back to you, I have to ask my kid, I'm sure he could help you out
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