Thursday, March 6, 2008

Playstation 1 Emulator?

May be...
  • I'm trying to find a decent Playstation 1 emulator. I downloaded ePSXe but it's asking for plugins and I have no idea which plugins to download or how to get it working. If anyone can help me..maybe a step by step guide or something...I would be very grateful :)
  • I use ePSXe it works fine most of the time.

    Setting it up the first time was a pain, i looked it up on the net and found some really good guides on you'll have to search around for the plugins, I think I got mine from not really sure.

    Once you get the plugins (my advice is to get as many as you can find) unzip them and put them in their respective folders ie video and sound plugins in the plugins folder and bios plugins in the bios folder.

    After that it's a trial and error kind of thing, just go through the list of plugins and load a game until you find the one that works the best with your computer.

    After that you should be good to go now the only problem is finding good rom files to play. Most of the ones I've found have problems at some point during play.

    Good luck hope this helps.
  • I think PSEmu is better, myself. PCSX is good too.

    The plugins you will need include video plugins, controller plugins, cd/dvd plugins, etc. There are many to choose from for each function, and the best one kind of depends on your PC.

    Here is a link to a collection of good plugins:

    I think you really maybe should consider the other emu's out there too, psemu has the longest development time and good plugins

    Here is Pete's emu page, Pete has made a lot of plugins, and explains it all.

    So besides putting the plugins into the "plugins" folder, you have to have the ps1 BIOS, and put it into the BIOS folder. To get it legally you have to copy it from your own ps1, and still have your ps1. It's not legal to have a copy if you don't own a ps1.

    If it's starting to sound needlessly difficult to you, well, I think the same thing. What's a ps1 cost, 10 bucks? And ps1 games still work best on ps1's.
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