Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Ps3 care !!!!!!!!!!!!!?

May be...
  • how do i keep propper care of my ps3 and um i cover my ps3 with a pillow case so no dust gets on it and yesterday my mom was cleening my bedroom and mistakly pressed the ps button on the controller and the ps3 was on for 30min wil a pillow case on it is that bad
  • The PS3 probably could have overheated if it had been turned on under the pillow case for a much longer period of time, but the PS3 is a very tough console to overheat. I've seen Youtube videos of people trying to overheat the PS3 and they failed.

    If you want to avoid from having such a problem again, turn the PS3 off completely from the back and don't leave it on standby mode because next time the PS3 wont turn on if the PS button is accidentally pressed.

    I recommend that you take a very soft damp cloth every now and then and make sure that you get any dust that may be building up in any vents.
  • first off i dont think you really need a pillow case to cover your ps3. dusting it every once in a while should be fine. also i once accidentally left my ps3 on for 2 days and when i realized it was on it seemed perfectly fine so i dont think you have anything to worry about.
  • Its good that u are covering it because the ps3 has an intake. If too much dust gets in the intake then it will break. keeping the pillow case on it is not so bad it might make the ps3 a little hotter but it should be fine. i suggest a feather duster thats what I use.
  • I leave my PS3 on all the time. regardless of what the people who make the cooling fans tell ya, its actually better for any electronics to be left on. Think about it this way. What happens when you take a paper clip and bend it over and over again? It breaks. When you turn on any electronics, the metal in it heats up. When you turn it off, they cool down. Now, the more and more you turn a system on and off, it creates the same effect in the metal connectors. It will actually cause them to break earlier.

    It's the same as when nintendo (back in the late 80's) started telling consumers that their controllers were best stored with the cord wrapped around them, when in actuallity, wrapping and unwrapping the cords would cause them to break inside the insulation. The PS3 comes with a great cooling system. You can litterally leave it on for weeks and not have to worry about it over heating. Just get you a can of compressed air and blow out the vents at least once a week and it will last a long time!
  • Lol pillow case wooow. No the ps3 doesn't burn out so ur ok. I had left my ps3 on under some blankets for about 50 but nothing happen to it
  • you dont need to do anything besides dust it


    make sure its in an open space with good ventalation
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