Thursday, May 22, 2008

Should i get a ps3 or xbox360?

May be...
  • I want the ps3 cause the 360 breaks easily with the red ring of death thing and i am a hardcore gamer so the wii doesnt work. Also im planning to get the new MGS4 80GB ps3 another DS3 wireless conroller a playstation eye and burnout paradise is there any other things i would need for my ps3?
  • Get the ps3

    Currently the Xbox has more games but not much more. The ps3 will have more either at the end of this year or by the end of 1st quarter next year. since ps3's bluray disks have 50GB of space and the Xbox only has 9GB on each disk,

    The ps3 also cost significantly less in the short run, it might be more expensive initially you get free online gaming($50 a year on Xbox, though it does have more features, But wouldn't you rather buy a game), built in wireless Internet($100 extra on Xbox), hard drives are cheaper 120GB for Xbox is $179.99 for the same price you could get a 320GB for the ps3(almost 3 times the memory) a 120GB for ps3 cost less than a 20GB for the Xbox, a wireless controller with a rechargeable battery and charge cable for an Xbox is $69.99 all the ps3 controllers have that and sixaxis for $15 less ($54.99 for dualshock3), the cheapest wireless headset for the ps3 is $19.99 and you can use it with your bluetooth cell phone(its a bluetooth headset) for Xbox its $59.99, and you have almost no choice but to buy everything from Microsoft so you have very little choice on what you can buy for it. Sony lets you get accessories from many different companies even though they need the money more (they lose about $260 per system because they cost more then they sell them for)

    For the graphics the Xbox and ps3 are almost exactly the same, for now, the ps3 also looks better on sdtv's, on Xbox you need an hdtv to read the words if you don have an hdtv everything is blurry. For the games currently the Xbox has more but not much more. The ps3 will have more either at the end of this year or by the end of 1st quarter next year. since ps3's bluray disks have 50GB of space and the Xbox only has 9GB on each disk, so the games on the ps3 will be better and it has greater potential for really good games (some multiplatform games have been shorten to fit on the Xbox). Xbox games are not cheaper, they start at $60 just like with the ps3. I wonder why Xbox games are just as expensive as ps3 games, they use last gen technologies and apparently it is easier to make them, it is just Microsoft making a big profit. As far as the future potential of the systems go the Xbox is almost at its full potential right now, about 90% (in games, graphics and really everything else), while the ps3 is only about 10% of its full potential.

    The dude at the bottom copied my post
  • you should get the ps3 because it does note brack easy, and. It have blu-ray (the hd-DVD is dead) only .2 percent that it will brack (33% the xbox 360 will brack red ring of death) you like metal gear the ps3 is for you I will say that in japan the xbox360 is not really poplar in japan becuse they are really good in japan so if you just wait a while the good game will come to the ps3 free wi-fi (xbox 360 $100 for just get buying the wi-fi plug. Free Internet for the ps3 ($50 for the xbox 360). There will be more better game is coming out this year for the ps3 little big planet metal gear final fantasy dragon ball z. The good game is from japan but like gta 4 is very poplar in us but not in japan so that is some reason for getting the ps3 most of the people say that xbox becuse it is us thanks.
  • depends on if you want good games now or later. 360 now, ps3 later. just look at what they have to offer, the rrod is a pain in the *** for 360 but once you et past that and if you take good care of it wwhich u proly will since u are hardcore gamer, then everythin is smooth sailin, i had the same dillemna not too long ago and because i was a hardcore gamer i had to go with 360, their online is a bit spendy compared to ps3's free online but wii was too casual and 360 has excellent achievements system that puts even more competition into the mix outside of games, which i really love. me and three of my friends constantly compete for which one has higher achievement points.
  • Xbox360
  • ps3
  • Get the ps3

    It rocks!!!!!!!!!

    Game on!
  • Get the ps3

    Currently the Xbox has more games but not much more. The ps3 will have more either at the end of this year or by the end of 1st quarter next year. since ps3's bluray disks have 50GB of space and the Xbox only has 9GB on each disk,

    The ps3 also cost significantly less in the short run, it might be more expensive initially you get free online gaming($50 a year on Xbox, though it does have more features, But wouldn't you rather buy a game), built in wireless Internet($100 extra on Xbox), hard drives are cheaper 120GB for Xbox is $179.99 for the same price you could get a 320GB for the ps3(almost 3 times the memory) a 120GB for ps3 cost less than a 20GB for the Xbox, a wireless controller with a rechargeable battery and charge cable for an Xbox is $69.99 all the ps3 controllers have that and sixaxis for $15 less ($54.99 for dualshock3), the cheapest wireless headset for the ps3 is $19.99 and you can use it with your bluetooth cell phone(its a bluetooth headset) for Xbox its $59.99, and you have almost no choice but to buy everything from Microsoft so you have very little choice on what you can buy for it. Sony lets you get accessories from many different companies even though they need the money more (they lose about $260 per system because they cost more then they sell them for)

    For the graphics the Xbox and ps3 are almost exactly the same, for now, the ps3 also looks better on sdtv's, on Xbox you need an hdtv to read the words if you don have an hdtv everything is blurry. For the games currently the Xbox has more but not much more. The ps3 will have more either at the end of this year or by the end of 1st quarter next year. since ps3's bluray disks have 50GB of space and the Xbox only has 9GB on each disk, so the games on the ps3 will be better and it has greater potential for really good games (some multiplatform games have been shorten to fit on the Xbox). Xbox games are not cheaper, they start at $60 just like with the ps3. I wonder why Xbox games are just as expensive as ps3 games, they use last gen technologies and apparently it is easier to make them, it is just Microsoft making a big profit. As far as the future potential of the systems go the Xbox is almost at its full potential right now, about 90% (in games, graphics and really everything else), while the ps3 is only about 10% of its full potential.
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