Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Annoyed because of my ps3 wierd huh? answer it!?

May be...
  • Ok im really getting pissed off and get really annoyed when someone dumb in this house will ever hit, touch , use , put things on top , specially scratch my ps3 even if i sleep i all ways wonder if who will do the things i don't like coz ive work hard for ps3 then i recieved this situation and its brand new never scratch and maintain clean not even my self can scratch how to avoid that situation do you think asking them or built a protective glass under the tv stand to really avoid it?
  • tell them its a 500$ machine and it should be treated like one. Maybe put it up higher. Just get it outve the way.
  • Put it in a spot that's more out of the way.

    Or get one of those stretchy laptop bags and slide it on the front after using, just remember to let it cool off first.
  • i would be pissed too,i would put it in a safe place, mabey a case would work and tell everone not too
  • I place mine in a vault padded with the softest foam available..

    Dude, seriously..
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