Monday, September 29, 2008

Adding more RAM to my PS3?

May be...
  • I was wondering if anyone knew if there was a way to add more RAM to the PS3....

    I recently found out the you could install and run Windows on PS3, which got me exited to all the new gaming possibilites that opened up.

    Then I realized there was only 256MB of RAM, and most good computer games require at least 512MB. Though a full GB is recommended.

    Anyway, like I said, I was wondering if there was any way to solve this problem. I'd really like to use my PS3 to play Windows games.
  • The PS3 is not designed to be upgraded in this manner.

    Nor can you install Windows on it - the processor is not compatible.

    There is a version of Linux that will run on the PS3, but that had to be custom compiled by Sony. Since only Microsoft has the source code for Windows, only Microsoft could create a version of Windows for the PS3.

    Yes, someone DID manage to install Windows running under an emulator running under Linux on the PS3...but it was so horribly slow, it wasn't usable for anything other than bragging rights.

    Seriously, if you want to play Windows games, why do you have a PS3 at all? Just plug your PC into your TV, get a wireless keyboard, mouse, and controller, and there you go.
  • No you can't install Windows (you can install Linux though) on a PS3, you can't install more RAM either, it's not technically possible.
  • dont believe so, the only thing I have heard of is upgrading its hard drive
  • isnt there a seperate card thet u can take off and hen replace with a 2GB one?
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