Tuesday, September 23, 2008

How is playstation network (psn) bad?

May be...
  • I recently wanted an xbox 360 ( i was a xbox 360 fanboy ) But when heard the bad things about it I thought "forget that!"

    Anyway how is psn bad. Some people say it is bad but they never said how. I'm getting a ps3 in about a week so I need some info about it

    Thanx in advance
  • The main reason people say that the PSN is "bad" is the games servers.

    unlike XBL the PSN dosen'e have centerlized games servers, the games you play online, other than Sony games, are played on servers hosted by either the game company or a 3rd party server company. XBL has all centerlized server, this is why it costs to access them.

    other features on the psn are catching up to the XBL only reason they have thing we dont is the 16 month advantage they have, meaning they have had longer to devolp the features.

    PSN recently got Trophies (achivements), but not all games support them as of yet, same with ingame music, both will be mandatory in the future as they are on XBL

    The PSN store dose not have the quanity that XBL marketplace has, SONY belives in quaility over quanity, so unless a game is proven good it wont be on there until it is, alot of XBL games are migraiting over because how well they have done.

    but over all; they are the same thing, diff name, and way diff price.

    pluse the sony network support is great they will help you with any issues you have.

    and to cris t, he didnt as about the console we know what the x-box has, and maybe you need to stop trying to get ppl on the x-box. 95% of what you said is false, mics i have 80 ppl on my friend and all of them have them, only ppl that dont have head sets either dont want one, cant afford one, or are waiting on socom w/headset. and the features either coming out for the ps3 or things we have are either as good as or better than XBL, nice try though.

    welcome to the PS3 man Hope to See you On there.
  • i just want to understand one thing why would u buy A PS3 NOW ????? u do know in 1 month NOVEMBER the ps3 will release a 160gb with uncharted drakes fortune and a dualshock controller for 500 bucks that is the best deal i would wait untill then your getting 80 more gb for 100 dollars more then the 80gb and the psn is not bad there are alot of movies and shows and games you can dl on to the system i really like it its better then the original look of the ps store
  • People who say it's bad are those who are jealous because they pay to play online game while PSN is FREE!!! That's right... FREE. So, you' re question is right, how can you say it's bad when it's free. Alright, some servers act up, but those are temporary. And besides, it's FREE. I don't care if sometimes your connection just suddenly drop. Nothing is perfect in real world. And with the launch of PSN Home, I'm sure it's gonna get better than Xbox network in the next few weeks.
  • For me, I don't want 160GB, HELL NO! I bought the 40GB, now upgrading it to 500GB >=] Cheaper, and I don't care if it mean I'll lose my game saves etc. I can just get them back.

    Oh, and people say that PSN is bad because of lack of downloads. What downloads? There's plenty in there, plus with HOME, and also, don't forget PlayTV
  • it isn't bad in fact its awesome you can download new trailers for games, details from gaming conventions e.g. E3 and demos

    You can email people, open a web browser and ONLINE IS FREE

    dnt forget home either the virtual world will be awesome
  • Well i haven't compared to other consoles yet like the 360 and wii.. But PSN is good actually, and no major problems... And it's free... And HOME is coming soon... So, I think you shouldn't think twice buying the PS3...
  • xbox fan-boys are the people saying its bad they are jealous because psn is free and think because its free it must not be anygood but there wrong i spend hours and hours a day playing on psn and never any problems
  • no its amazing believe me.
  • i don't know why it isn't and those people who say it with no reason are wrong
  • PSN is not bad at all. It flipping awesome its absolutly FREE! You have any full HTML web brower meaning what you surf on the internet on a pc is the exact same on the ps3 and you can even watch videos from youtube. The only community is great and will be even better with the Home comes out. The Holiday lineup its awesome as well for the PS3. Once you get the PS3 you will have the blueray play unlike the XBOX 360 which has the outdate and obsolete HD player which is not used anymore. PS3 controllers already comes a charger cable and a remote that requires no batteries at all period unlike the 360 where you have to pay out of pocket to get the play and charge kit. and the PS3 is already wireless compatibly meaning you can hookup to any wireless access point with the new of a wireless adapter which the xbox 360 does not have either you would have to buy the wireless adapter for a additional $100. I could go on and on. Take it from me I use to have the Halo 3 Edition Console Xbox 360 and decided to get myself a PS3 and I have never looked back at the 360. PS3 owns.

    Read the article.
  • there is nothing wrong with the 360. the red ring of death only happens to consoles 1 year or older. a year ago microsoft changed the console a little bit so that they would not get the red ring of death. the xbox 360 is also half the price of th ps3 and u can already get a 120gb hard drive for it. Around november there will be a home screen update for the 360 making it even more user friendly and more customizeable. along with that update you will be able to download full 360 titles straight to the xbox 360 hard drive so that you wont ever have to deal with disks again. i have both a 360 and a ps3 and there is a hundred times more things you can get and download on xbox live than psn. and also on psn almost nobody has a microphone. and on xbox live there are achievments and gamerscore!!!! and the xbox has the halo franchise. i dont know if you have already chosen to buy a ps3 but if you haven i would recomend the 360. there are also 556 xbox 360 games out with an average score of an 8.3 and there are 414 ps3 games out with and average of 6.2
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